The Clocker's Cousin's

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A day passed by. Then 2 days passed by. On the 3rd day Etho realized it would be awhile and took the boy's to Cleo's to get some of their stuff. On the 4th day the weekend started. On the 6th day, in the afternoon, Etho dropped the kids off at their cousins, to only stay there for 3 days or so. Atleast until Etho had time to take off to take care of them.

"Dad!" he said in a long whiny tone. "Don't leave me here!" Scar said, looking unhappy as hell, but still somehow seemed happy. Etho chuckled at the kid, "It's only a few days. Bdubs can protect you!' Bdubs raised his fake sword, it was his favorite toy, and said, "The mighty knight Bdubs will save you big brother!" Scar just whined more as Bdubs said that.

Etho practically pushed Scar out the car, with the help of Bdubs pulling him on the other side. The boys got to the door and knocked. Bdubs seemed excited, but Scar was being dragged by him. Joel was the one to open the door. He was 14, almost 15, he wore a leather jacket and had green tipped, black hair it was long, and went down to his shoulders, but the sides were shaved so he could pull into a mohawk if he so wished, he almost always wore it down though, which Scar never understood, why be able to and not do it? He was the only one of the 3 boys who was actually blood related to him. And was incredibly short, except Bdubs was still shorter, Scar thinks if Bdubs was taller than him he might kill himself (not actually).

Behind Joel, was Jimmy, his youngest brother. Jimmy was 12, he was adopted into the family when he was only a year old. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, he also wore a leather jacket. He was taller than Joel, and he got along well with Bdubs. Scar was pretty sure that Bdubs and him went to school together, but he knew Jimmy was always bullied, and so they didn't hang out sadly.

"Hey!" Joel said when seeing his cousins. Bdubs immediately waved to Jimmy happily, who waves at him back, to signal to come in. Bdubs turns to his dad and shouts, "BYE!" and Etho waves back and drives away. Scar shouts, "DON'T LEAVE ME HERE-" but he was already gone. "Grian isn't home yet." Joel tells him, and Scar begrudgingly, walks in.

Joel takes him into his room, "According to my mom and G you're supposed to stay with my brother." And Scar just shook his head violently as no, it felt like his head was about to fall off his body. Joel laughs at him, "Yeah he can be an ass sometimes." Scar just quietly said, "Yeah, tell me about it."

Joel looked curious, "What's your beef with him anyway?" Scar just ignored him and took out a book. Joel shrugged, "You need time?" he asked, and Scar shook his head. "What's your time?" he asked, knowing Scar's version of 'enough time' was usually less than week. "Tango told me not to tell anybody." Joel shrugged, "You're always going to listen to him?" And Scar nodded, glaring at Joel. "I'll tell you mine as you tell me yours." Scar agreed, not planning to actually share. "16 years." Joel answered, putting his hands on his hips. "More." is all Scar said, shocking Joel. He looked surprised but pleasantly nodded, not trying to pry.

Then the garage door opened, meaning their mom and Grian was home. "SHOOT!" Scar shouted, leaning on the floor length selves besides him, to help himself up, looking for a place to hide. Joel patted him on the shoulder, "He isn't allowed in here." Scar had a sour look, but nodded. He pushed himself against the wall, and just watched the door.

As Scar was studying the door, it bursted open. From the other side a guy slightly taller than Joel but shorter than Jimmy came through. He was wearing a red sweater and a leather jacket on top. He had dirty blonde hair, he was blood-related to Jimmy, but not the rest of the family. It was Grian, he was 13 and almost 14 like Scar. "SCAR!" he shouted excitedly, and high-pitched.

Scar looked nervous, he didn't do anything when seeing Grian. Besides maybe flinching. "Grian get out! It's my room!" Joel shouted at him. Grian waved his hand at him, "tomato, tomauto. Anyway, he's supposed to stay in my room!" Joel looked tired of him, "And he doesn't want to!" Joel answered. Grian rolled his eyes, "Joel!" he whined, and the older one just shook his head. Then Joel was called downstairs, he pushed Grian out of the room and closed the door behind himself. Scar thought it would finally be peace and quiet, until.

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