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Authors POV: remainder credit of the images goes to their actual owner I just own the story lines...

Jungkook: (pulls her into a hug) You should have told everything to us...
Y/N : (hugs him back) Hmm...
Jungkook: (stays for sometime in the same position) (breaks the hug) (cupped her cheeks) Are you feeling better?
Y/N : (nodded) (smiles) (something strikes in her mind) (smile fades away) My dad?

Authors POV: Meanwhile... Old bas--- I mean Mr. Min 😅.. he told jimin he wants to talk to someone in private so, Jimin took him to upstairs.. he asked jimin to go because he needs privacy... When Jimin was going downstairs he saw Ayushi was coming Upstairs... He asked her what's the matter? She says she was coming to look for him only... Jimin told her about Mr. Min... She said him that he is weird... Jimin understands something and drags ayushi downstairs they were shock seeing the seen infront them... They saw....... They saw....... That..... That...... They saw that.... They saw that...... Taehyung was confessing to lily yeah he was confessing 😂...

Ayushi & Jimin : (shocked) What's going on here?
Taehyung: Can't you see I am confessing her... (Looks at lily) So what's your answer? (Holds her one hand on his) (pulls her close by waist)
Lily : (still in deep shock) (Blushing) I-i lo-ve y-ou to-o... (Smiles shyly)
Taehyung: (pecks her forehead) I knew it.. (smiles cutely)
Jimin : Ahem! Ahem! I guess now we should talk about the work...
Ayushi : Awww congratulations ! Such a cute confession...
Jimin : (looks at her) I guess we should talk about where is that old man? He knows Y/N is in house that's why he asked me to leave... We should find him now...
Tae, Lily & Ayushi: (shocked) (nods)

Authors POV: They all searched everywhere in the house but he was nowhere... The last place to check was Y/N's room... As they towards her room they saw that he was about to open the door when suddenly...

Jimin: HEYYY! (Shouted) I mean hey (politely) We are going somewhere so I think you have to leave now...
Mr. Min : Oooo... Btw Mr. Park you are good at lieing (takes step forward) I know Y/N is your original sister... (Whispers) all the best to save her.. (smirks) (goes to the door to leave)
Jimin : (controlling his anger) WAIT!
Mr. Min: (stops) (looks back) what?
Jimin : (looks at him) Try your best to harm her... if you do something to her I promise you are not gonna stay in this world for long (smirks) leave now..
Mr. Min : (clenched his fist) (storms out of the house)
Ayushi : (looks at jimin with concerned look) (holds his arm) Are you alright?
Jimin : (takes a deep breath) (nods) let's take a look at Y/N

Authors POV: Everyone goes inside the room and saw Y/N is awake..

Jimin : (goes to her) (hugs her tightly) Are you feeling better?
Y/N : (unable to breath) I was feeling better... But if keep hugging me this tightly I will definitely forget how to breath... (Said with difficulties)
Jimin : (realizes) (breaks the hug) oh! Sorry😅
Y/N : (breaths heavily) Ahhh! You almost killed me stupid monkey

Everyone chuckles looking at cute brother and sister fight...

Jimin : yahhh! You just woke up and you started throwing tantrums on me...
Y/N : that's what I wanna say I just woke up and you almost squeezed me (mimicking him)
Jungkook: Stop! Stop! Or else soon a huge argument will start
Jimin : yeah! He is gone.. listen it's not safe for Y/N to stay here so ... We are gonna stay at----- (cuts off)
Jungkook: My place
Everyone looks at him
Jungkook: What? Don't look at me like that.. I am not joking I am serious
Lily : Would you like to explain us why?
Jungkook: Listen, my father's company is the first biggest company in Korea and mine and brothers identities is hidden even in our high school no one knows about it and our address is not revealed too.. so Jimin and Y/N will be safe with us...
Jimin : (thinks about it) Yeah! You are right...
Taehyung: But Jungkook we have just three rooms...
Jimin : it's ok I will sleep with Jungkook in one room
Taehyung: Ok!
Ayushi : Jimin! If you both are going then what about this house?
Jimin : The watchman will handle it... (Winks at her)
Lily : So, I think you both should leave now.
Y/N : hmm.. Ok!

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