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I laid on my bed, the left side of my body burning as I cry. My dad opened the door and my heart stopped a second.

"Grab some stuff and clothes. We're leaving."

his voice sounds stern and angry and I don't move an inch.

"NOW Luna!"

He shouts and leaves the room while I stand up, ignoring the pain all over my body. I stopped when I stood in front of the mirror; I still was half naked, my left side covered in burning wounds and my pants wet. I put the pants off and toss them over the bed. I grab a shirt, the one I stole from my dad once when we were a happy family. Before the abuse and raping. I putted some shorts on and I grab my backpack. 

A vape, cigarettes, one bottle beer, a knife, my eight notebooks, three of my favorite pens, my teddy bear, some underwear, my sleep shirt what was covered in blood and finally; an outfit dad send me for my fifteenth birthday two months ago. It was a skaters outfit and I only had put it on once, and it sat very comfy. I put it in my backpack, the vape on top. Once I'm done, my dad walks in. He glares around in my dark room and his gaze ends on me.

"We're leaving"

He says annoyed as he walks over to me and my backpack. I immediately step back, as usual. He looks surprised but ignores it and takes the backpack from the ground. He tosses it over his shoulder and gestures to me to follow him, what I quickly obeyed. Once we were outside, a whole group paparazzi walked over to us, all shouting my dad's name and questions. In a reflex I grabbed my father's hand and I closed my eyes. My heart start to pound and my hands sweat. I hoped my dad would lead me to the car, and he did. He opened the passenger side of the car and threw my backpack in. I opened my eyes and slide into the passenger seat. My hands were still shaking and my heart was pounding in my throat. My eyes flinched around fast and worried and I cover my ears with my shaky and sweaty hands. My dad sat down next to me and he started to drive. In a reflex to calm my fast-beating heart down, I grab my vape and take one slip silently before putting it back in my backpack and I cross my arms over my chest as I glance outside. I'm exhausted and afraid of where we're going, however I was almost sure we went to the hospital. My shirt was wet from the boiling hot water and sweat, my left eye closed and when I opened it, I couldn't see anything. I felt my father glaring at me from time to time, and it made me anxious. I started to fidget with my rings and my heart start to pound in worry. My eyes shift from left to right until I hear him speaking;

"Calm down, Luna. It's alright, you're safe"

he had a British accent and he calmed me down. I turned my head to look to him, and I closed my eyes. After two minutes, I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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