➼ 〜 [cold hands: G.W.] ★

33 0 2

word count: 715
My boyfriend, George Weasley, is the most perfect man to ever exist. We've been dating for about 1 year, ever since he asked me out to the yule ball. I always reminisce about when he asked me out to the ball - it's just... a memory that you can't get rid of, a memory that's always stuck inside your head. Well... now, I'm in the Gryffindor common room, sitting on the sofa, and taking a sip of some warm tea. I wrap both of my hands around my mug, to warm them up.

"Look who it is." I turned my head to where the voice came from.

"Merlin, George - what are doing at this time in the evening?" I said, as I sipped my tea once more.

"Looking for you, of course. I couldn't sleep, so I came here, well... because I'd rather be here than staring at the ceiling in my dorm."

"Fair point." I said as I nodded my head.

I placed my mug of tea on a nearby coffee table and shuffled to the side of the sofa to make some room for George, I then patted gently on the space next to me, offering him a seat.

"Oh, thanks." George said as he sat down next to me.

I smiled in response to him. I love the fact that it's his initiative for him to be polite, it makes him even more perfect than he already is. I reached out for his hand, I wanted him to hold mine so badly, I love the feeling of his touch, it's so... so gentle. As his fingers intertwined with mine, he smiled at me. Time was irrelevant now, we had the whole world in our hands. His cold hands touched my warm ones, and I gripped his hand slightly tighter so that his hand would warm up a bit.

"I'm sorry my hands are so cold..."

"It's okay, here, I'll help warm them up for you." I moved his hands so that they were in my grasp.

"Are they getting warmer?" I asked him.

"Yeah, they are." He smiled at me, as he said this - I felt my heart slowly beat faster and faster.

"Can I.. can I kiss you?" I asked him, politely.

He didn't say anything after, he just... went into the kiss. It felt ethereal, his dulcet lips brushing against mine. I placed my hand on his face, brushing his cheek with my thumb. I felt like the luckiest girl, I honestly didn't deserve such an angel, by the name of George Fabian Weasley. His soft hands ran through my hair, sending shivers down my spine. After about a couple minutes of kissing, we both pulled away.

"Wow..." George said, as he blushed profusely.

"Wow indeed..." I said, reverting my gaze from him.

"I love you, George, I really do." I said, as I scratched the back of my head.

"I love you too!" A big smile spread across his face, I could tell he liked the kiss.

And just like that, we kissed again. It was ten times better than our previous kiss, he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. It felt as though time was put to a halt: I didn't want this moment to stop, but alas, all good things have to end eventually. We slowly pulled away, breathless from the kiss and I covered my face with my hands, covering my beet-red cheeks. I hugged him tightly, just to give him some sort of comfortability.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked as he kissed my forehead.

"Sounds good to me." I replied, while nodding my head vigorously.

After he left, I just sat there, stunned, on the sofa. I couldn't believe he kissed me - let alone twice... And, to top it all off, he wanted to be my boyfriend! How could today get any better? I dragged my feet to my dormitory, laying down on my four-poster - because it felt like the best solution at the moment - I closed the curtains around my bed and lay flat on my back, staring at the cream-coloured ceiling in awe. I suddenly felt my eyelids drop, and I drifted off to sleep.

lmk if you want p2!!

harry potter one shots - by @oliverphelpsstanWhere stories live. Discover now