➼ 〜 [questions: F.W.] ★

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word count: 862
It was my sixth year of attending Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Nothing major was coming up until one day, Professor McGonagall asked for all the Gryffindors in my year to gather for a house assembly. As I stood next to my friends - Angelina, Alicia, and Katie - we waited for the room to be quiet, and for Professor McGonagall to begin speaking.

"The Yule Ball... is first and foremost: a dance."

Almost all of the boys groaned in horror of the thought of waltzing across the dance floor. Meanwhile, the girls in the room looked like they had just won the wizarding lottery. I looked across the room to see if I could get a glimpse of my crush, Fred Weasley, and there he was, staring at my straight in the eye. I didn't look at him until after our 'dance lesson' from McGonagall.

After a couple of lessons, I had Professor Snape. We had to write a recipe about how to make amortentia in our textbooks, which was pretty easy, if I do say so myself. As I was minding my own business, I felt what seemed like a crumpled-up ball of parchment hit my head. I lifted my head to see who threw it, and to my surprise, my eyes met Fred's, and he mouthed:

"Will you go to the ball...with me?"

I nodded vigorously, clutched the quill in my hand, and looked down at my textbook to carry on writing, except I couldn't. My hands were trembling like crazy, so i couldn't write any more without messing up my recipe completely. I wondered if I could Spell-o-tape my hand to the quill so I could write properly, but I figured I would look really silly, so I just forgot about the idea. Thank Merlin the lesson was shorter than the rest, because after what felt like an eternity of Snape chaperoning us, was actually forty-five minutes, which gave me plenty of time to drop off my unneeded books in my dorm and head off to my next lesson.


My next lesson was Defence Against the Dark Arts, hosted by none other than Professor Lupin. He was my favourite professor, and I felt bad for him whenever he looked like he was going to pass out midway through a lesson, which was almost every day. We were researching about Hinkypunks; according to my textbook, they were:

『A Hinkypunk is a diminutive, one-legged creature with the appearance of wispy blue, grey or white smoke. It has a proclivity for luring travellers off of their paths at night, into treacherous bogs or wetlands under the guise of a helpful, lamp-bearing being.   』

During the rest of the lesson, I took notes and jotted down the key points so I could revise later on in the term for the upcoming exam. Lupin stated that we would be studying about grindylows after, in which I was very interested about - I was always fascinated when it came to Defence Against the Dark Arts, the reason being one of my favourite professors teaching the subject.


After the lesson, I had a free period since I was taking extra classes in order to boost my grade. So, I walked for about 10 minutes until I arrived at the astronomy tower. Once I'd arrived, I unpacked my things: a ruled notebook to write down the different planets I see later, a quill and ink to write down my findings, and a few sheets of parchment to scribble some extra notes if needed. I was all set!

Once night had fallen, I was greeted by the most remarkable array of stars I had seen in my whole life. They were scattered like small droplets of paint on a black canvas - which was the sky. I looked through one of the telescopes and scavenged for constellations, which I found the following:

-Ursa major
-Canis minor


After what felt like ages, I finally felt like it was time to head back to my dormitory. When I turned back, I was surprised to see none other than Fred - the same Fred that asked me out to the Yule Ball.

"Fred? What brings you here?" I said, while furrowing my brow.

"Well, I was kind of looking for you." He responded.

"M-me?" I asked, stuttering madly.

"Yes, you." He said, as if it was the most normal thing ever.

I blinked in shock. Him? Wanting to look for me?

"You're joking, right?" I asked, desperate for an honest answer from him.

"Nope." He said, while putting his hands in his pockets.

"So, whatddya want to talk about?" I said, scratching the back of my head.

Fred sighed. I knew he was about to say something, something big, something serious.

"Look, this might sound really weird but... I like you, (y/n). I really do."

"What!?" I gasped, shocked - but ecstatic at the feeling of him having romantic feelings towards me.

"You've got to be kidding; you, liking me?" I questioned him, unsure whether he was joking or not.

"I swear. I'm not kidding." He said, while looking at his feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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