Plan B (11)

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Previously on Unexpected Pregnancy
(Warning!fat shaming bullying extreme inappropriate language)

3rd Person's POV

Finch: let's go Josie we got shit to do today

Josie: excuse me

Finch: I said get your fat ass up we got shit to do today plus you been around these animals long enough

Josie: ok and you don't own me I'm not going anywhere with you

Finch: Bitch! I said let's fucking go I won't say it again (growls)

Before Hope could beat the living shit out of her and Josie setting her on fire Penelope stops them

Penelope: don't forget she's pregnant (whispers)

The reminder got Josie and Hope to calm down a little but then Hayley and Klaus eyes turn gold and they stand up

Hope's POV

Hayley: oh hell no who the fuck does your ugly ass think your growling at (Alpha voice)

Now I might hit a pregnant woman but my mom and my dad will

Finch: I wasn't talking to whore go sit your old ass down somewhere

Everything happened so fast I quickly cast a spell blasting my dad to the other side of the room and try to hold back my mom while Penelope watches Josie since things are getting out of hand to my right I see Lizzie seething with anger and Mg trying to calm her down

Hope: mom stop you can't kill her!

Hayley: the hell if I can't everybody try to kill me

My dad finally decided to help me hold my mom back from killing Finch then I hear a loud snap and loud screaming we turn around and see that Lizzie broke Finch's arm it's literally turned 90 degrees the wrong way a bone is sticking out and blood is spilled on the floor fast

Lizzie: I am so tired of you hurting my sister do it again and the next time I will snap your damn neck!

Wait...shit she's bleeding too much and to fast I look at Jed and he looks at me a little worried and I already know why

Hope: Lizzie did you put a spell on her she's bleeding too much and fast

Lizzie: I cast the one where she will bleed out internally

Hope: reverse it now! (worried)

Lizzie: even if I do she will still bleed out her arm is snapped in half

Hope: oh for goodness sakes Jed!

Jed comes running towards me quickly

Jed: uh what do we do

Hope: pick her up and follow me I need all the witches to come with me now!

Jed picks Finch up while she screams in his arms we quickly get Finch to the nurse's office she won't stop screaming

Hope: Alright Finch I'm going to need to stop the fucking screaming for 5 bloody minutes!

Finch: Fuck you mikaelson my fucking bone is sticking out!

Hope: I can see that dumb ass!...(sighs) Alright I need a volunteer don't automatically raise your hand because this is a life changing situation

Everyone looked at me then each other

Penelope: I will do it

Hope: Penny-

Penelope: I know

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