Alaric's Secret (14)

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Previously on Unexpected Pregnancy
3rd Person's POV

Alaric: where the hell did you go at 2 in the damn morning no one is supposed to leave school past 10

Hope: if you must know I was getting your daughter some food have you forgot she's pregnant so she gets pregnancy cravings plus I don't go to the school no more I'm grown I can leave when the fuck I want

Alaric: you could have just gotten something for her in the kitchen here

Hope: she didn't want that she wanted something else pacifically

Alaric: then you could have gotten it in the morning

Hope: Dr.Saltzman for the love of goodness get the fuck out of my face I'm not going to let Josie go to bed hungry even if it is 4am in the morning I don't care she is pregnant with my children so I'm going to give her anything she needs whether you like it or not now if you excuse me I have to go feed your daughter

Hope vamps away to her room not wanting to say anything else she swears Alaric is Bipolar or something one minute he's ok with something then the next he's talking shit she can't stand it

Hope opens the door to her room just when Pedro was coming out the bathroom and Josie watching a video

Hope: hey you two I have food

Pedro: Yay (yawns)

Josie: yay!

Hope: (chuckles) let's eat so we can go to bed

Josie's POV

Once we got finished eating Pedro immediately fell back to sleep

Josie: I think he's in a food coma

Hope: yea I forgot the burgers are that big but at least he's full

I nod drinking the rest of my milkshake when I'm done with it I go over to Pedro and throw our trash away then I go into the bathroom to find wipes or something to wipe Pedro's face

I just grab a washcloth instead and put a little water on it and wipe the side of his mouth when I'm done I tuck him in

When I stood up I turned around to see Hope watching me with love in her eyes

Josie: What?

Hope: (smiles) Nothing I just love how great you are with kids

I smile shaking my head at her and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and Hope follows me

Josie: why are you following me

Hope: Because my Queen I have to brush my teeth too and wash my face and put my hair up I love and hate braids at the same time

Josie: (giggles) well I think you are very handsome and gorgeous with or without them

Hope smiles at me a and moves closer to me to kiss my cheek I smile at her then I grab my toothbrush that I leave here just in case and toothpaste

Once I'm done brushing my teeth while Hope washes her face I start to look at my self in the big long mirror on the side of the bathroom I look at my stomach I lift up my shirt and gasp I didn't even notice my stomach is getting big fast I'm not even two months yet

Josie: Hope

Hope: yeah

Josie: l-look

Hope turns towards me and look at me confused

Hope: look at what mamas I'm confused

Josie: Babyy (whines) look at my stomach it's getting bigger to fast I think I'm going to be fat

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