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"I can't do this anymore!" Riwoo shouts, lying down on the floor sulking. "Why am I on window duty?"

"Fine. I'll switch with you." Jaehyun huffs, shoving Riwoo away with his foot to make space on the floor, sitting on the stool near the window Riwoo abandoned. I don't blame Riwoo for being annoyed, he had been on window duty since we met at Woonhak's place.

"Can't we turn the AC on?" I complain, fanning myself with a random baby photo of Woonhak lying around. The sun was blazing hot today and we had all stuffed ourselves into Woonhak's room to scope Leehan's house which was directly in front of Woonhak's.

"You guys made a mess!" Woonhak complains, sulking while grabbing stuff that had fallen down on the floor. "Also, please put my picture away. It's embarrassing."

"It looks cute," I chuckle, hiding the photo behind my back when he tries grabbing it.

"Aera, you should look through Woonhak's baby album!" Jaehyun piped up from the window. "Lots of interesting pictures."

"Nuh-uh, we're not doing that!" Woonhak tried protesting but Taesan was quicker, already throwing the album towards me.

"How did you even find that?"

"I have my ways."

I could tell Woonhak's parents adored him a lot growing up because of the sheer amount of pictures he had. He always had some type of costume or get-up in most of the pictures - a baby neck-tie suit, Bob the Builder, Michael Jackson, a duck onesie, and more of the like.

Taesan and Riwoo explained the backstory of each of the pictures while I flipped through the album while Woonhak resigned in embarrassment.

Woonhak's room barely had enough space to walk around and the 6 of us had all camped here for the past two hours. Jackets and flannels were lying around everywhere, empty cereal bowls were shoved into any available space.

"When are they leaving?" Sungho shouts, "I swear to god, I'll go and drag him out and send him off to the date myself." He bolted himself up from the bed - stepping on Riwoo in the process - and paced to the window in annoyance. The waiting was finally driving him insane.

"Are you sure he didn't leave yet Riwoo?" Sungho asked, squinting out the window.

"No, he hasn't. My eyes were locked on for so long, I see Leehan's house whenever I close my eyes now." Riwoo answered dramatically.

"Wait, GUYS!" Jaehyun's shout catches everyone's attention.

"Is he out?"


Taesan had even hopped off the bed, ready to move.

"It's the stray dog that chased Woonhak last time." Jaehyun pointed out the window, a broad smile on his face. Everyone threw up their hands in frustration.

"Damn you Jaehyun!"

"I thought you saw Leehan going out."

"He wasn't chasing me, we were playing!"

"Guys," Sungho said, "I think that's him!"

All of us rush to the window to get a better view - sure enough, it was Leehan at his door, walking out casually with his brown varsity jacket.

"Does he not feel hot in that."

"Let's move move move!"

We collectively bolt out of the room, tumbling down the narrow staircase, chaotically shoving our shoes on as fast as we could at the doorstep.

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