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"Please let me down," I hissed, too embarrassed to look up from Sungho's shoulder because other people at the bus stop were giving us massive side-eyes.

They were probably wondering what the hell was going on with these high school students so early in the morning.

I don't know how the situation turned out like this but I've spent too much time with the boys to be phased by a lot of things that would've otherwise surprised me a month ago.

Today was the first day of the Sports Festival, I woke up determined to make my last few days of training worthwhile - I woke up at 4:30 am sharp and got ready even before Sungho and Jaehyun came. I blasted through the hurdles with a burning drive today, I even got a good job pat on the back from Sungho - which satisfied me more than it should've.

My morning had started on such a good front but now, I was getting piggy-backed by Sungho, Woonhak was close to crying, Jaehyun and Leehan were on the phone panicking while Taesan and Riwoo were trying to hail a cab (which wasn't playing out very well since all the cabs were full)

"Guys, I'm really fine." I sigh, "It's probably just a bad sprain."

I don't know how it happened. One moment I was sitting cross-legged at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to come, and then boom! I got up and I twisted my ankle just like that.

"It clearly isn't." Sungho shook his head, glancing at my ankle which was starting to swell.

The sudden flash of pain had almost been unbearable - I thought I had broken my ankle for a split second, though I'm not sure how that would've been possible. All I did was stand up.

Of course, all the boys panicked. Jaehyun had tried calling the fucking ambulance and I could barely manage to stop him from doing so.

"Guys, I'm fine. Let's just get to school before we run late." Time was ticking by, we couldn't afford to miss school today. Taesan and Sungho's match was today too.

"I think we should go to the hospital," Leehan said, finally off the phone. "Jaehyun's brother said that it's probably a soft tissue injury."

"You guys are overreacting! I'm perfectly fine." I try to reason out. I tried raising my leg to show them that there was absolutely nothing to worry about but I winced, which didn't help in proving my point.

"Tissue injury isn't far-fetched. You've been straining yourself a lot with your training, especially this morning." Taesan nodded, arms crossed next to me and Sungho.

"We'll only find out after we see a doctor," Woonhak said.

"Guys, I'll just go to the school infirmary once we get there," I try my best to reason out. They were clearly overreacting, we had to get to school and we barely had 15 minutes before the gates closed.

"The school infirmary? They give you one medicine for every problem. No, we'll go to the hospital." Jaehyun shook his head. I've never seen Jaehyun look so serious, not a trace of his usual bubbly self. I couldn't say anything else.

"Fine, but I'll get a cab and go by myself."


"No way!"

"Are you insane?"

"I don't want to get you guys into trouble just because I got hurt. Taesan and Sungho have a match today, Jaehyun, you're the class leader. You guys can't afford to skip."

"Let you go by yourself? Are you crazy?" Said Riwoo, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "Absolutely not."

Taesan and Sungho also vehemently refused no matter how much I tried telling them off, that I could just go with the rest of the boys.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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