5. september

87 2 4

sometimes evil

"you think he's a psycho but you still wanna fuck him?" sara whispered over to simon.

"yeah pretty much" simon shrugs. the siblings were walking down the halls to leave school.

"and why do you think he's psycho" sara asked.

simon just shrugs again starts walking ahead of her. he feels an arm go around him but to his surprise, it was august... someone that simon isn't a big fan of.

"hey simon, you have plans later?" august asked, pulling simon closer.

simon clears his throat and lightly pushes august's arm away, "i'm afraid that i do."

"are you sure? i seen you made time for felice's party the other day, why don't you make time for me—"

simon was busy looking at wilhelm who was death glaring at them from across the street.

"you know what" simon cut off august. he looks at simon with hopeful eyes, "i guess i can hang out."

"okay great i'll see you later" august smiled and walks away.

"wilhelm hello!" felice tapped wilhelm's shoulder, "what's wrong with you."

"since when does august talk to anybody that isn't a jock" wilhelm says confused.

"no idea. maybe he's trying to get recruits for a new team or something" felice responds while looking in a hand mirror to fix her hair.

wilhelm stares off for a little bit, contemplating on if he should act on his instincts or not.

"do you have simon's number?"


simon plays with his hair nervously as he waited for a call from august.

he was about to put his phone down until it started ringing. it was random number but he just assumed that it was august so he answers.

"why are you goingout with september" wilhelm said in a normal but kind of chilling tone.

simon stops in his tracks as the hairs in the back of his neck stand up.

"you know i thought you were smarter than this simon, but i guess you never fail to surprise me"

simon rolls his eyes and goes to check the time, "are you wondering why he hasn't called you yet. maybe i can answer that for you."

this made simon's face drop, "what are you talking about."

"—i mean who knows he could just be running late or something came up or his house could've caught on fire... i'm kidding" wilhelm deadpanned while running his hands through his hair.

"what a joke to make after such a tragic event" simon snarks sarcastically.

wilhelm ignores him and continues to wonder through his house. his dad was at work like always. since he was little he's tried to unlock this safe that his father kept on his nightstand.

he knows that there's a gun in there, which is why he wants to open it. it's a weapon that wilhelm has never used but it he has a strong interest in using one.

it seems to get the job done faster.

"hello are you even there" simon cuts off wilhelm's thoughts.

"if you choose to go out with august tonight i would suggest keeping it a secret."

wilhelm hangs up the phone leaving simon confused.

ICU; wilmon (young royals) AU Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin