So I have a question

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Chapter 3

"So, Yoonmin huh," she'd text first, amused at all the shipping things when she'd typed in both their names. She'd stayed up late, looking at pages and pages of things about Yoongi, watching clips and hitting herself in the face. Of course she knew who he was now that she'd pieced it all together. BTS was known by everyone and her daughters were fans but in her busy life, she just hadn't really taken much notice to what they looked like. Mae knew who he was too apparently when she'd text her super late that night, it was part of the reason she'd gotten out of there so quickly.

"I thought you knew he was famous," Mae had replied. "I have so many questions!"

"You thought I'd invite you along to dinner and possibly to meet someone famous and not mention it?"

"Well, when you say it like that, it sounds unlikely but what, why, where, when?"

Kat laughed before she text back. "I know, like what? Why, well, you saw him, he's hella good looking, that's why. When and where, I met him in the bathrooms of the restaurant and there was some kind of thing."

"Like a spark?"

"Like a vibe, I don't know what you'd call it but we both knew we wanted to be back to meet again the next day. It was easy. And fun. And he's hot!"

"Yes, he is!"

And now she found herself messaging him.

MYG – Thank you Google for telling you all of that

Kitty Kat – It's cute. And you sure can dance

MYG – I don't know about whether I can dance but I can move

Kitty Kat – I never doubted that

Yoongi was in his studio when the messages came through, working on some music when he saw Kitty Kat light up on the screen. He rolled his eyes at Yoonmin. He was incredibly fond of all his members and had a definite soft spot for Jimin however the shipping could be a little in your face. But her response to the fact she knew he could move definitely came across as flirting.

MYG – I'm sure you can dance too

Kitty Kat – Not really but that's not exactly what I meant anyway

MYG – I know

Kat could feel the fizzing, her core responding to the flirting. She thought they were on the same page with that.

Kitty Kat – You can rap too

MYG – I know

She laughed at his responses, confident and easy. The way his mouth flew over some of the songs she'd listened to. Her body lit up instantly at the thought.

Kitty Kat – Your mouth...

MYG – Yes?

He had stopped what he was doing, turned in his chair and was resting his feet up on a saxophone case that was next to his desk. He really wanted to know what she had to say about his mouth. The thought made him run his tongue over his bottom lip.

Kitty Kat – Never mind

MYG – I'm going to guess you're referring to my tongue technology

Kat had chickened out of saying anything specific about his mouth. She'd noticed it in person and she wanted it on her own. And other places. But she wasn't quite brave enough to say it in their first text conversation. But now, she had to google Yoongi tongue technology and it took her another 15 minutes to reply as she gaped at the screen, something that had Yoongi wondering if he'd gone too far. But it felt like something he wanted to say and he always trusted his instinct.

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