Calm Before The Storm

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The next several days were spent preparing for the attack on the forest. Everyone had gone over their quirks' capabilities and discussed the best plan of action, figuring out which members would team up well with each other combat-wise to distract the teachers and who would be best to carry out the kidnapping. Shigaraki decided to have Dabi lead the attack, given his natural eye for strategy. They even gifted him a Nomu that would only follow his commands to add to the chaos.

The plan, as it stood for now, was for Dabi to burn the forest while Mustard, a recruit who seemed to be the same age as a U.A. student, would fill the forest with poisonous gas. Muscular, an escaped convict called Moonfish, and Mr. Compress were tasked with looking for Bakugo individually. Magne and Spinner were to work together to fight off the Wild Wild Pussycats, a hero team that specialized in rescue operations, distracting them from protecting the students. Toga would be sneaking around, collecting blood samples as she went from the students in order to infiltrate the school easier in the future with her quirk. While Dabi, Kana, and Twice were going to distract the teachers at the Base Camp with Twice's clones.

Everyone had their role to play. They were all ready to take action and sink their teeth into the students and heroes. It would be the first big blow to hero society since Stain's message to the world.

The night before the attack Kana, Dabi, Twice, Toga, Spinner, Muscular, and Compress were all gathered around the bar, looking over plans to finalize any last-minute details before the assault. Toga had been playing with Eris while the others strategized, given that her role wasn't the most vital in this particular mission. 

After they wrapped up, silence began to fill the room. Eris had curled up under the table, her eyes slowly closing as she began to fall asleep. For a moment, the only sounds were the muffled voices of Shigaraki and Kurogiri at the counter discussing something privately. Until Toga posed a question, having grown bored of the quiet. 

"So, if you all could kill any one hero, who would it be and why?" She asked playfully, smiling in her deranged way.

"I'll go first!" She continued. "I wanna kill Deku, that kid from U.A. I saw him while watching the Sports Festival. He's so cute and strong; I wanna see him covered in blood!" The way Toga talked about the people she liked made Kana's skin crawl. Still, she didn't dislike the girl. She was actually pretty endearing most of the time. 

"What about you guys?" She asked as she scanned the room. 

Spinner responded first.

"I don't think there's anyone specific I'd want to kill, just all those unworthy of being called heroes. Mostly I want to follow Stain's example."

"That's boring! I'd take out Ectoplasm; that guy's clones don't even try to kill him! It's not fair. No, no, Gang Orca, he's classy. I want his cape." Twice said in his two-tone voice. Kana was finally getting used to his contradictory statements. Behind it all, he seemed like a nice guy just trying to fit in.

Compress rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 

"I'd say Best Jeanist, the man's sense of style is downright offensive! And he's a terrible showman." The older man glanced over at Kanashimi from a few seats away. "Kana, my dear, what about you?" 

Kana paused for a moment, not used to all the attention being on her. The feeling of eyes being on her had always felt incredibly uncomfortable, even with her time as a hero and with all the media training U.A. offered. She contemplated giving them a fake answer, some random hero with no personal connection to her. She had been pretty secretive about her life thus far.  But, these were her allies now, and it could be beneficial to her for them to know this much, at least. Maybe they could even help her with her goals later down the line. She took a breath before she began speaking.

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