Familiar Faces

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The next day their plan finally went into action. The morning was mostly spent gathering supplies and gearing up for the attack. Kana had made the decision to leave Eris at the hideout for this mission. Given Dabi's fire, Mustard's gas, and any other number of unexpected factors the forest might hold, it was safer to leave her behind, and Kana wasn't about to risk her getting hurt.

As dusk began to approach, everyone gathered downstairs, ready to begin. Shigaraki was there to see them off, going over the plan one more time and giving them a list of people to try to kill while they were out there before bringing Bakugo back. With that done, he walked back over to the bar sitting in his usual spot as he began to address them.

"Give them hell, Vanguard Action Squad. Show those heroes that their time is over. It's our turn now.

Kurogiri then opened a portal in the center of the room that would lead them a few miles from their destination. Kana was to guide them the rest of the way after that. 

The other League members began walking through the portal. Kana was about to follow them when she heard Eris let out a low whine. She took a moment to kneel down and pet the worried girl who had been sitting patiently by her side. Her ears were low, and she looked tense, the scars across her face and muzzle making her look older than she was. 

"It'll be ok, I'll be right back. We've handled way worse than this before." She said reassuringly, hoping by some chance the anxious dog could understand what she was saying.

Eris only leaned her face into her hand as she scratched behind her ears and then nudged Kana's cheek with her cold nose before standing up to go lay beneath one of the tables. Kana then straightened up and turned to head into the portal to catch up with the others. 

The warm summer air hit her the second she stepped onto the other side. The sun was beginning to set under the dark purple sky. Kurogiri's portal closed behind her. They were on an empty stretch of road that would lead them towards a cliff overlooking the forest where the last members of their party were to join up with them.

The others had gone ahead a little bit, checking out the surroundings. Magne and Spinner seemed to be preventing Muscular from running off and blowing their cover too soon, while Twice helped Toga put her new mask together. She had complained earlier in the day that it wasn't stylish enough for her. Giran had it custom-made for the girl, it allowed her to shoot out a number of syringes that would enable her to suck multiple people's blood at once. 

"What took you?" Kana heard Dabi ask a few feet away from her. Toga wasn't the only one with new gear; Dabi had gotten fireproof clothing custom-made for him through Giran's connections. His long, frayed trench coat swayed with the wind. 

Kana chuckled lightly. "Eris. She's been abandoned before, so she gets anxious anytime I have to leave her behind. Especially since I trained her to be my support, I think she gets worried that I won't make it if she can't keep an eye on me." She couldn't fault the dog for being attached. Eris was the only thing in this world that Kanashimi still cared about besides getting revenge. Though the League was growing on her.

She had found Eris alone in an alley a few months before losing her hero license. She had been beaten with a lead pipe by some asshole and left to die. Her ribs had been broken, and several deep cuts had covered her face and the rest of her body that left scars to this day. Kana had picked the poor thing up and ran to the nearest emergency vet. After a few hours of treatment and an overnight stay to keep an eye on her, Kana brought Eris home. The pair had been inseparable since.

Dabi merely nodded his head in response, seemingly satisfied with her answer. He gestured his arm out in front of her, allowing her to lead them to where they would soon meet with the other league members.

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