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So I've decided to update this book. It won't be my top priority when writing or updating but when I do work on a chapter and have it done I thought I should upload it for you amazing guys because I appreciate all of you so much!


This book is purely fictional and was created from my imagination. This will in no way, shape, or form, be real. This is not for anyone under 18 as it will be marked mature. There will be implied sex/sexual actions, drugs, strong language, violence, mature themes, etc. I'm hoping you get the idea.
Again this is completely fiction and I made everything up for the plot. ITS FAKE. Please do not take this serious.

Now, I'm so excited to be publishing my second Fairy Tail book and I hope you guys enjoy. This is my own story and it's going to be different from my first book as this one will be a bit dark.

Again I'm warning you that this will be considered a mature book.

I'm Not Perfect | FairyTail |Where stories live. Discover now