Chapter 5

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I had to say goodbye to everyone, on Thursday. Even my teachers came by sooner or later. Abby told me, "I am coming with you to the airport, even if I have to ride on the top of the car!" At three that afternoon I said goodbye to my school. I realized how much I was gonna miss this place. Me and my mom got up at eight to start packing. I thought I was gonna have to sell my Jeep or just leave it here, but her company is gonna pay for it to fly over! I want to hug whoever got that to happen. The house we were moving into was already furnished so all of our furniture is staying. All of my stuff got narrowed down to 10 boxes, amazingly. The two weeks passed by and I was ready. Ready to escape this life and live my new one. So was mom. Abby definitely wasn't and Edward was still trying to talk to me. When, we got to the airport Abby was a blubbering mess and I cried a bit too. When they called our flight, I flung my arms around her. "I'm gonna miss you Shorty! I love you. And I'll let you know when I get there." She nodded, "I'm only letting you get away with 'Shorty' because you're leaving. I love you too and I'm gonna miss you like Niall misses food! Text me. Bye Lyddi." "Bye Abby." I turned to go. "WAIT!" Abby yelled. I turned around, "Abby, if I miss my plane..." I warned. "No! Just promise me you'll say 'hi' to Harry Styles for me!" I rolled my eyes, "Fine. I doubt it'll happen, but I promise I'll tell him 'hi'." She tackled me with a hug, "Wait a minute, you asshole! Who the hell's gonna tie my shoes?" "Get Drew to do it! I love you, but I have to go!" I ran to catch up with my mom. "Ready?" She asked. I nodded, "yeah. I am." We boarded the plane, and I put my music in. I fell asleep and when I woke up, I was in London.

-Im here-

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