Chapter 41

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Abby P. O. V.

Ugh here we go again. The boys have something up their sleeves and I don't even want to know what it is. "Umm, anyone care to explain?" I asked confused and halfway amused. Niall gave a pointed look at Levi and yelled, "That little cunt licker led us in here!!" "Niall, little ears!" I scolded him and he just pouted. All the rest of the boys snickered but then went back to being miserable. I shook my head and Lydia was massaging her temples as if to say "here we go.." which was my thought exactly. "Come on you've had your fun let em loose." I said. Daniel stepped forward. "No. There's a form of, hm, payment due." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Is this supposed to be a punishment for me or for them? I mean look at them!" I said eyeing Niall's almost naked, wet, toned body. Okay Abby! Stop with the self torture! Lydia just groaned, muttering curses under her breath, telling me to get on with it. "Fine. What's this, 'payment'?" Daniel smiled smugly. "You have to ride a bull and stay on for eight seconds." I rolled my eyes. "Oohh soo scary." I mocked, raising my hands. He glared and smirked. "Not just any bull dumbass, you gotta ride Psych." My eyes widened a fraction but I pretended to look bored. That's when Drew stepped in. "Abby you don't have to do this, besides you have your stitches." I snorted. "Stitches, smitches." I waved him off. "Abby, come on. You know he's only trying to do this for his amusement." Lydia said. "You've always wanted to be one of the guys, Abs!" Daniel taunted. "Hey! Listen here! You can't just tie us up and expect her to just go and attempt to get herself killed! You really are an asshole. Abby you don't have to do this! And he can't make you do anything. You know Baylor will let us go if you tell this ass to go to hell." Niall fumes, face red, his eyes were pleading but angry. Can I say sexy alert? Nothin sexier than an angry wet Irishman. I shook my head. Daniel walked over to Niall and looked at him, sneering. "I oughta hit you so hard you'd see Mars." Niall held his gaze, unafraid. Geez, he really is pissed about this. "Abby, if you don't I swear I'll put him in the hospital." "That's enough! And I swear to you Daniel, if you touch him I will not hesitate to tell Aunt Rose. I'll let her beat your ass around the house like a dirty carpet!" I yelled, fuming at the thought of the threat. "Fine." I nodded, angrily. "Let's go." I said stalking towards them. "Baylor stepped up placing his hands on my shoulders. "I can just slug him and get this out of the way." I shook my head. "I've been challenged. I'm gonna do it." I said hotly. I went out to the ring and Bo went and got Psych. On the outside I was fine. On the inside all I could see is me gettin bucked off and dying, and seeing Niall hurt if I didn't do it. But whatever. I went over to the gate. Daniel called to me from where the boys were sat down cause they were still tied up, cause of the idiots. "What the hell do you want now!" I seethed. He smirked at my anger. "Touch-yy! If you're gonna do this you've gotta do it how we practice." He said shifting his stance. "What do you mean 'how we practice'?" I mocked. "How do we practice, Abby? Especially in the summer time?" He hinted. I groaned, and glared at him. "No." I said crossing my arms stubbornly. "Hmm. Well I guess I'll go have a chat with your boyfriend now.." He said taking a step back. "You bastard." I spat out through gritted teeth. He placed a hand over his heart. "I'm wounded. Really I am. But off with the shirt and onto the bull. Come on now. Snap to it." He said smiling that goddamned cocky smile. I yelled to Niall, "I'm sorry!" And shucked off my shirt. I pointed my finger at Daniel. "Don't even think about it. I know what you're thinking. I'm in my bra. That's all you're getting. You little perv." I snapped, looking at Niall whose eyes had gotten ten times bigger and filled with lust. I stomped off towards the bull cage where Bo was waiting. I crossed my arms over my chest huffing and muttering, cussing Daniel out under my breath. I got onto Psych, still muttering the whole time while Bo situated me. Psych was bucking already, eager to get me off. Lord, have mercy on my soul. If I make it through this I should get a whole fucking "You're Alive!" party to celebrate. Bo looked me in the eyes. "Just hold on. Stay on as long as you can, okay? And good luck." I sucked in a breath, nodding. Lydia walked over sticking her hand out for me to take it. "I know you're worried. I won't let him touch Niall, and I'll be here when you walk out of there, okay? You're tense. Relax. That's the only way you're getting through this. Be one with him. Move as he moves. Feel him underneath you. And hang on like it's your Star Crunches, and you'll be fine." I let out a breath and rolled my shoulders. Setting my mind. With a squeeze of my hand she walked off to stand by Bo and the poor circle of boys. You can do this. Be one with this piece of stupid hamburger. Show him who's boss and kick Daniel in the balls when you walk out of this corral. "Ready?" Baylor asked. I nodded. "As I'll ever be." I said. I heard the gate open with a creak and he took off. I held on for dear life! He was twisting and jumping and bellowing. It was all a blur. One with the bull, one with the bull Abby. You got this. And suddenly I was flung up in the air. Goodbye sweet world. I thought and I hit the hard ground. Wincing, the air wishing out of me. I swear I felt the stitches rip and my head thudded into the ground. I lay there for a second, looking at the blue sky. Wait a second. I'm alive! I stood up shakily ignoring any and all pain and through my fist up in the air, whooping! I did it! I hear Bo call out 10 seconds, and I hear Daniel curse loudly. Then my mind zoned in on Niall. I ran over to him and untied the poor thing hoisted him up only to thrown him back on the ground again, with me straddling him. I admired his joy filled eyes, along with the surprise of being thrown to the ground. I kissed him right then, burying my hands in his hair, as his hands went to my bare sides. I heard a couple coughs as he bit my bottom lip and the kiss deepened but I ignored them relishing the fact he was okay. I pulled back to see him awestruck, and very turned on and to see some very protective cousins. I got up helping Niall up as well. Dusting myself off I walked over to Daniel. "Weren't expecting that were you?" I said smugly. "How did you even do that?" He exclaimed. I shrugged. "Duke is a pretty good teacher." His mouth hangs open and then I swiftly kick him in his family jewels and say, "Threaten my boyfriend again and that will be much worse. Got it?" He nodded through groans of pain cradling his injured parts. I laughed and linked arms with Niall, smiled at everyone and walked off to go inside and get him to cuddle with me as it was a very stressful morning for us both. "You did good baby. I knew you could do it." Niall said proudly kissing my temple. I looked up at him smiling. "Well, I wasn't just gonna get you put in the hospital now was I?" He chuckled as we walked up the stairs. "I guess not. Which is why you're the best. And why he's an ass." He said thoughtfully upon entering my room. I walked in after him laughing at his reasoning, only to find Sammy in my room on my computer. "Sammy!! Get out of my room!"


Here's the update! Sorry I took so long. Had a lot to do what with basketball season and the shit load of homework I've had. By the way! I'm up to 1.5K reads and I'm SUPER excited! I almost shit bricks when I saw that. Anyways hope you enjoyed.

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