Chapter 05 : Be Careful, Win

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Bright drives them to the place where they're staying this time. Their journey is accompanied by slow music that the agent has played from his phone. His choice of music is just terrible in Win's opinion. It makes him feel dizzy and drunk probably because of its slow rhythm.

Win looks out of the car's window and smiles when he sees the sight of Chiang Mai. Its sky is punched with clouds stretching like a dome. The grasses by the roadside seem to have a party with the wind, dancing in their own rhythm. Win feels like he could hear the music of the meadow, echoing in his ears. Chiang Mai is definitely a lot different than Bangkok and a lot calmer too.

The car is suddenly pulled over by the roadside, near a stall. Bright gets out of the car, making everyone else curious. "Don't mind Bright. He's always unpredictable," Tay breaks the silence in the car while they're waiting for Bright. Win hums as he looks at the agent who's now talking to the aunt that is selling food at the stall. Win can't help but notice the crinkles by the man's eyes when he smiles. He seems to respect the elders very much.

"Metawin, what are you thinking about?" New nudges his elbow, making him turn his head towards his partner. "Don't tell me you're dreaming about Chivaaree?" New wiggles his eyebrows funnily.

"Shut up, New. Stop with your useless remarks," Win punches New's arm, gaining a laughter from Tay and of course a hiss of pain from that friend of his.

"Be careful, Win. Bright is dangerous. He has many guys and girls falling for his charm," Tay who is sitting in the front seat chuckles.

"Don't worry, I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment," Win grins at both of the agents.

"But you're up for partnership, chai mai, isn't it?" New teases Win again. The poor lad feels a sudden heat rush all over his face. Before, no amount of teasing could affect him in any ways. Win also has never thought of being in a relationship because he thinks he's too complicated to deal with. He has never been with anyone either. Building his career was his ultimate goal.

"Stop bullshitting, New," Win scolds his partner. New makes faces just to mock him, knowing he can't beat him when it comes to verbal fight. Then, he hears his stomach grumble in hunger. A moment later, Bright walks back to the car with two boxes in a plastic bag.

"Your lunch," Bright says as he hands the plastic bag to New who's sitting in the middle of the back seat.

"Oi idiot, you didn't buy some for us? I'm famished," Tay complains.

"I'm bringing you to eat somewhere else after this and of course it's your treat," Bright smirks.

"Ow, tham mai? Why is that?" Tay provokes the agent.

"Because you hid things from me," Bright simply says.

"I truly forgot about Big Boss' message. Stop punishing me for my bad memory. Besides, only this time I forgot to tell you," Tay pouts at Bright. The agent ignores his childish friend and continues to drive to their destination.

"I hope both of you eat Pad Kaphrao," Bright breaks the silence after a few minutes. "The stall makes the best one in town."

"Ui it's Win's favourite. He eats it all the time. He's never bored of eating Pad Kaphrao," New tells the Chiang Mai agents.

"New..." Win warns his partner. New is spilling so much about him to Bright and Tay. Win looks at Bright and he can see a smirk appearing at the corner of his lips. Again, what's with him and his smirk?

Silent is taking over the whole car again until Bright pulls the car over at an apartment building. The four agents get out of Tay's car and approach its boot. Bright pulls out two keys from his pocket. "These are your keys," he gives one to New and one to Win.

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