Chapter 22 : You're Such A Big Baby

978 56 6

Present day...

Bright has just finished telling Win the story about his past. What concerns him the most at the moment is how Win would react next. The younger man has been staring at the wall over his shoulder for quite some time now. Bright squeezes his hand that is still clasped with his. "Khun, are you alright?" He murmurs, lifting his other hand to caress the side of Win's face.

The younger man jolts out of his reverie with that delicate touch. Win blinks a couple times, making sure that he is just dreaming. Sadly, the truth is always bitter-he is not dreaming. In fact, he is stuck in the reality that is killing him inside and out. Bright looks into Win's eyes and the agent feels it instantly. It is quite delayed, but the feeling is there. "I-" Win tries to speak but he is out of words to say.

The man removes his hand from Bright's and gets up. Tears are already making their way down his cheeks. "I'm s-sorry, I need to-I need a moment," he says with a quiver in his voice. Win runs to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator to get a glass of cold water. However, his knees buckle at the sudden wave of emotion he's feeling inside and he slides down on the floor with a sob following after.

The coldness that comes from the opened refrigerator sort of describes his feeling right now. He feels cold and numb. Win hugs his legs close to his chest and buries his face in between his thighs. He's curling like a ball, hoping to just disappear. Then he hears footsteps approaching the kitchen. In no time, the man feels someone caressing the back of his head.

"Khun, don't be silent like this, please. I can't take it," Bright speaks. Win looks up. His face is flushed and red from crying. The older man goes to sit next to Win, not wanting his partner to feel alone in this.

"All of this happened because of me. You were hurt in the accident because of me," Win cries. His chest feels tight because he's hurting. He's hurting because he has hurt Bright and possibly other people too.

Bright shakes his head. "The accident brought me to you, as I initially wanted to. And no, I was not the only one who got hurt. Both of us were. We got hurt because we were too good. We were both good doctors. Those people were just jealous of us."

"Do you think it was a coincidence that we both got hurt by The Plowdens for the same reason?" Win can't help but wonder.

"I think it's a fate. The fate that has brought me to you," Bright smiles. Win blushes a little at that. The younger man is then reminded of Bright who pretty much stalked him in the past, but didn't have any courage to face him. If they did meet back then, they probably wouldn't end up being close like this.

"Have you been collecting evidences on their wrongdoings?"

"Yes, I have. But there's not much that I've gotten since I'm also busy with my duty as an agent, my duty to the civilians. One thing that sparks a curiosity in me is, Lieutenant Korawat," Bright begins.

"What about uncle?"

"If he knew you from when you were little and basically has been keeping tabs on your well being, why didn't he help you when you were framed? It could prevent you from losing your medical licence," Bright tells Win about his concern.

"Do you think uncle is also involved with The Plowdens?

"You mean on the wicked side or good side?" Bright queries.

Win tilts his head to the side, thinking. "Good side, but also wicked."

Bright sighs. "I guess we really do need to pay him a visit before going back." There's a moment of silence between them before the older man speaks again. "Speaking of your licence, it should've just been suspended and not terminated. I couldn't figure out why back then."

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