The Escape Plan

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Y/N and Jungkook had been through countless trials and dangers, but their love had grown stronger with each passing day. As their connection deepened, they realized that escaping the dangerous world of the mafia was not just a dream; it was a necessity.

One evening, as they sat in Y/N's small apartment, they began to hatch a plan for their escape.

Y/N: Looking into Jungkook's eyes with determination. "Jungkook, we can't keep living like this. We need to find a way out, away from the danger and deception."

Jungkook: Nodding in agreement. "I've been working on a plan, Y/N. I've been saving money and gathering information. We'll need to disappear without a trace."

Together, they meticulously laid out the details of their escape plan. Jungkook had connections that could help them obtain new identities, and Y/N had access to information that would ensure their past was erased.

Their escape would be a risk like no other, but they were willing to take it for the sake of their love. They knew that the mafia's reach was long, and any misstep could mean death.

The day of their escape arrived. They gathered their essentials, leaving behind the dangerous world they had known. With new identities and carefully altered appearances, they boarded a train to a distant city where they hoped to find refuge.

But the mafia didn't take kindly to defection. As they settled into their new life, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, that danger still lurked in the shadows.

One evening, they were ambushed by a group of assailants. The sound of gunfire filled the air, and Y/N felt a searing pain in her side.

Y/N: Crying out in pain as she fell to the ground. "Jungkook, no!"

Jungkook: Fighting off their attackers with desperation. "Y/N, stay with me!"

Their love was put to the ultimate test as they clung to each other amidst the chaos and danger. The escape they had dreamed of had turned into a desperate struggle for survival.

As the dust settled, Jungkook held Y/N in his arms, her face pale and her breathing shallow.

Jungkook: Tears in his eyes. "I won't let them take you from me, Y/N. I love you."

Their love, born in the perilous world of the mafia, had brought them to this moment. With every ounce of strength they had left, they were determined to fight for their love, for the future they had always dreamed of.

To be continued...... 

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