His Ryder

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Jai let out a sigh of contentment as he shut off his shower. With a small smile, he stepped out and wrapped his fluffy towel around his waist. He felt good. He could finally really relax, as today was the first day home after a killer world tour with the band, Twist Ave. 

Twist Ave was made up of Jai and his three childhood friends, Camden, Milo, and Ryder. The boys had been singing and dancing together since before even the oldest of them had turned ten. 

The boys grew up on the same street and were friends basically as soon as their young minds could grasp the concept of friendship. Their singing started as innocent fun together, but their parents could see just how talented and captivating the boys were. They pushed them to keep sharpening their skills, Jai and Camden's parents even went as far as enrolling their boys in vocal lessons. 

Over the years, it got more serious for the boys. They would perform together at birthday parties for their classmates, at some school events, and they were even able to pick up some gigs at their local mall. 

Word really started to spread like wildfire of the four young boys from a small town in Georgia who could out sing and dance even some of the top selling performers of the time. It was when word of Twist Ave hit the ears of the heads of Quantum Records that the boys' lives changed forever. 

Five years ago, when the boys were all around the age of 16, they signed their record deal. Soon after, they became one of the biggest household names of their time. 

Over those five years, the boys had released three studio albums (all of which were chart toppers for many weeks) and gone of 3 tours, having just completed their very first world tour. 

The world tour could only be described as electric. The boys performed their asses off for sold out shows across the globe. They made so many wonderful memories for not just themselves but also their fans. That was perhaps what meant the most to them. 

That's why they always gave 215% on stage, even when they didn't feel the best physically or mentally. They wanted to give their fans experiences that they would carry with them for life. Just judging by how fans would post on social media after each show, they had succeeded in just that, and they couldn't be more satisfied. 

Now, they were back home in Georgia, though now in Atlanta, not the small town they grew up
in. They were on a much needed, well-earned break. 

Jai had a nice, easy day full of video games and food that wasn't good for him mapped out, and he was beyond stoked to just chill. He loved doing what he did with the band, but it was a lot of work, and everyone needed breaks, no matter what their profession. 

Jai was stood in the bathroom mirror, toweling his brunette locks dry, whistling random joyful tunes, when his phone vibrated on the counter. He could see that it was an email from the directors of Quantum. He smiled to himself.  

They're probably just wanting to congratulate us on a job well done on the tour, he thought to himself as he set down his towel and opened the email to read it. 

He was not prepared for just how wrong he was. 

His smile wiped from his face, everything good he felt and had planned for his first day off went up in smoke. 


Firstly, we here at Quantum Records would like to congratulate you and your band mates on a phenomenal job well done on your very first world tour. You have all made us very proud. It has been a pleasure to watch Twist Ave grow over the past 5 years. Most groups would have peaked long before now, but you boys keep growing and proving that your star power is unmatched. 

His RyderWhere stories live. Discover now