About (____)

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(____) - Your name
L/n - Last name
N/n - Nickname
F/c - Fav color
H/c - Hair color
H/l - Hair length
E/c - Eye color
M/F/N - Moms first name


The picture above is some-what your looks, You can change it, but that's the general idea of it.



(____) is enthusiastic and smart and 16 years old. Her mom is Queen M/F/N. But (____) dosent know that.
(____) loves to write and read, but it is very lonely at her little house.
The castle of Etheria has been forgotten for more than 10,000 years. The stories say that The Castle of Etheria was attacked long ago, and no one survived. Little did they know, the queen had survived and hid in the whispering woods. the Queen had a child, and her child had a child (you get what I mean). But by hiding her survival, she had set the future of them to ge forgotten.


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