Chapter Sixteen: You Would've Been Very Happy, My Beautiful Jewel

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Special thanks to Aubrey'Snape and Sivan Shemesh for their precious help with the sex part :)


It was almost dawn when Aragorn left his bedroom fully dressed. His heart clenched, seeing the prone form of Lady Gwîneth on one of the living room's couches. The Elleth must've spent her night there, thinking he and Legolas were in it. She probably didn't wish to disturb them in their hour of mourning and preferred to sleep here instead. The man sighed deeply, closing his eyes briefly, blinking away the tears that started to form. Shaking his head, he pushed his grief down, knowing he had to be strong for Legolas' sake, if nothing else. Taking a deep breath, he forced his legs to move to the sleeping Elleth and touched her shoulder gently.

"Lady Gwîneth..." he called softly.

Gwîneth rose almost immediately, staring questioningly at the man above her. Her mouth opened to ask the King why he was in her room when the events of last night returned to her. Instead, tears flooded her eyes, and soft sobs escaped her mouth.

Aragorn took a deep breath as the Mirkwood Lady wept in front of him; he kept his hand resting on the Lady's shoulder, trying to provide some comfort.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty," Gwîneth whispered, wiping her tears away. "What happened was indeed a shock..." She tried her hardest to overcome her grief, but her tears refused to stop falling.

"It's alright, my Lady," Aragorn said softly, fighting his grief. "It's a shock to us all."

The Elven Lady looked up at him sadly before she stood up slowly, allowing Aragorn's hand to slide off her shoulder gently.

"How is Legolas faring?" she asked.

"He's sleeping in our bedroom," The King replied flatly. "I managed to force him to sleep two hours ago. Please, take care of him while I'm gone, my Lady." —Gwîneth nodded her understanding— "I must go now. There are so many things that have to be done." With that, he began to stride towards the door.

"My Lord?"

Aragorn halted just as his hand was about to turn the doorknob and looked over his shoulder at the Lady.

"Is Mír—Míreth in her cradle?" Gwîneth fought hard not to cry as she mentioned the name of the Elfling she had come to adore so much.

"She's with Legolas in our bedroom," Aragorn replied before he opened the door and left the room.


The guards and servants who roamed the castle's corridors early in the morning stared inquisitively as their King strode through, wondering why their King was out of bed at such an early hour. Many were tempted to approach and ask him, but the sombre expression on his face was enough to kill their curiosity immediately. The two soldiers guarding the King's main office stood at attention as they saw their monarch approaching, yet their eyes held the same question that ran through everyone who crossed his path this morning.

"You," Aragorn said to one of the guards as he approached them. "Go to Lord Faramir's quarters and inform him that I require his presence at my office."

"Now, my Lord?" the young guard asked. "Lord Faramir may be asleep—"

"Then wake him up!" Aragorn snapped. "I want to see my Steward at once!"

Without waiting for a reply, he entered the office and slammed the door behind him.

The two guards winced at the loud sound of the heavy wood doors slamming against their frames and exchanged worried glances. Their King had never spoken to any of them in that tone before. He was the most patient, kind and humble person they had ever met. Something colossal must have happened to make him lose his temper like this. The guard whom Aragorn spoke to hurried to carry out his orders.

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