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Robert could no longer think. And in some part of his mind, he had anticipated it.

Maybe it was the first time he was brought here. Or maybe, the time he heard Louis talk about it.

Louis was his brother. They just did not share the same blood or genes or the last names for that matter.

They were just two people brought together into a relationship by time, something blood could not do.

As far as Robert could remember, with his limited thinking abilities now, he had loved Louis.

Or maybe it was forever. He could not know. But maybe it doesn't matter.

A lot in his life was a maybe.

There were times when he could tell one thing from the other. But the more he lived, the more uncertain he became.

He had loved war somewhere in time. He doesn't remember when but it was there, the thought, unbidden, stagnant and incomplete.

Maybe it was not a thought either. He had forgotten how to think, remember?

It was just there. The idea of war. Killing, guns, blood.

He had seen pictures of Louis and himself, smiling at the camera, guns in hands.

He did not had a mustache back then or the burns on his face. He did however, have both legs.

And Louis.

He had Louis with him. In his life. In his mind.

Louis was always sitting in the pictures.

Why was that, he wonders?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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