The Swan's Triumph (8)

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TW: BIG SCARY STORM!!! lots of color guard, piccolo

Armaan and London, their color guard flags raised menacingly, stood facing each other, an air of tension crackling around them. Memories of their last performance, where Armaan had met his untimely end, flashed through their minds.

Julia, the woodwind captain, stepped forward, her voice cutting through the turmoil. "Listen up, everyone! Keep marching like it's part of the show. The crowd won't know any better."

Thomas, ever vigilant, glanced at Christian and saw the impending danger. Without a moment's hesitation, he left his spot and began improvising a solo, his tuba in hand, as he made his way toward the podium to protect his beloved.

Amid the chaos, Logan, a fellow band member, was struck in the head by Armaan's flag and collapsed. Miles, the percussion captain, rushed to his side to render aid.

Once Thomas was certain Christian was safe, he sprinted over to assist Miles. Julia, however, had other plans and ordered them to continue marching as if nothing had happened.

Miles, ever protective of his fallen comrade, argued, "Logan needs help, Julia. We can't just ignore this."

Thomas shared the same sentiment and wanted to assist, but Miles claimed it was his responsibility to protect his section. A quarrel began between the captains, many profanities were shouted as they insulted each other's mothers. As the tension escalated, Julia reached for the closest weapon to her, a color guard rifle, and swung it, hitting Miles. Tempers flared, and in the heat of the moment, both Miles and Thomas grabbed rifles, ready for a confrontation. In a swift move, Thomas snatched Julia's piccolo and stuffed it into his tuba, leaving her without a weapon. Julia, pissed, struck Miles, which frightened him enough for him to lose consciousness. Eek!!!

Realization quickly dawned on both Thomas and Julia. They needed to revive Miles. Julia shouted, "45-degree angle!!!" The captains helped Miles regain consciousness, standing together to support him.

Thomas and Julia quickly realize they need to stop the main problem, Armaan and London. Together, they rush towards the offenders.

London raised her flag, ready to place the final blow. Armaan opened his wings menacingly. With a graceful sweep of her flag, the Ankh flowed brighter. The storm became aggressive, desperately attacking all foes. The woodwinds shook in fear as they continued playing despite their trepidation.

Thomas and Julia approached. Thomas quickly brought his tuba up and played a loud, low note. Julia watched as her piccolo got shot out and hit Armaan in the middle of his forehead. As he was distracted by the small black tube that just slammed him, London quickly kicked the back of his knee, forcing him to kneel down in defeat.

Thomas quickly got his tuba and shoved Armaan into it to keep him still, his legs sticking out and desperately kicking.

The band continued on, absolutely destroying the field with their skill. Julia and London quickly improvised, Julia creating a solo on her flute. London danced and swayed with her newfound swan wings practically floating after her.

As the woodwinds and brass created 2 circles, she found herself in the middle, the spot Armaan should've been in. Her large, white wings slowly dropped as the storm subsided.

The whipping wind died down as Julia finished the solo and Christian's hands dropped to his sides. He turned around and bowed.

The show had concluded.


Author's note:
Hey guys, thanks for reading! This is the end of the Armaan arc. A new big bad will appear soon. More likes for chapter nine!!

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