Chapter 11 the lake of souls

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Lia flew downward towards the lake ignoring the obvious danger she could face only listening to the call it was screaming at her. Harry thought Lia was insane and surely she was to face an even worse fate if she did succumb to the lakes infamous powers. Emily - seeing Harry end the wave and begin to pursue her - followed after Harry.

A fierce chase began, Lia sped off downward toward the glowing blue light from beneath her. Harry believed Lia had a death wish or something and began speeding after her feeling the sharp air breeze past her.
Lia saw out of the corner of her eye Harry reach out to grab her, she dashed further further down, avoiding a tree branch and seeing a sleeping greenling couple as she passed. She landed, well crashed onto the wet, marshy floor beneath her. Harry tumbled onto the floor as well however managing not to topple over and staying upright.

"What the fuck Lia, what the fuck were you thinking? Do you know the danger!" Harry said annoyed. She was about to continue when a glowing light came from within the lake. Bright it was, brighter than before, so very very bright it almost felt as if a bright, hot blue light was being forced into their faces.
Many many many voices began to speak but all in unison all singing the same gothic melody

"Oh mournful souls we have found, oh your friends soul lies beneath the ground, within the lake you shall find the cure to your friends cursed mind"

Emily had landed and didn't even have to speak a singular word to see what was going on. Harry took of her dress and was left in her shorts and vest. She dived in without hesitation into the lake.

"H-" Emily began before Lia stopped her by covering her mouth to shut her up

"Are you crazy!"

"Are you! Really you've made more of an issue than solved one"

"No, we need to be here, I feel it" Lia said before a loud pop in the air caught both of them off guard. It was the rest of the society and Hugo.

"Thought you might want to some help" Billy said

"Remember the fire in-" Hugo began before being abruptly cut off by Lia

"Hugo chill, look tell us later. Alice's soul is in their and we have to get it" Lia stressed to the group. Within minutes everyone of them has dived in in search of Alice's halfed soul. All except Lia.

It wasn't she didn't care or was bossing everyone around without any intention of doing to work. Not any of those reason where why she held back. Something on the corner of the lake had taken her interest, Lia - like everyone else - was in little clothing and though cold it was the most convenient way to swim. But right when she was about to dive into the waters murky, luminous, blue glow something gold began to glow as if calling her over. She walked over curiously toward the light.

Upon the edges of the lake lay many, many dead bodies perfectly preserved as if they were killed but a second prior. Lia look towards one corpse and jumped back a little as she recognised the girl instantly. It was the poor girl who had gone missing, missing many years ago, the poor girl who had been a victim of a similar offence to Aya. Was Aya dead?

Lia dare not approach her but followed the glow to the edge of the lake, the trail went further on however Lia didn't wish to become victim to the same fate as Greta Oakweep. However when Lia walked away to continue the search she treat into the light which she felt pull her away. Lia - caught by the ankle - tried to resist grabbing the marshy grass or kicking frantically however all her plans proved ineffective. The golden thread pulled Lia into the forest but stopped instantly when they'd past the trees. A shield seemed to surround Lia and the rope dragged her upward as if an onlooker to something but what, she couldn't fathom.

She saw a phantom below emerge, again it was Aya but this wasn't like the room of souls, no this was merely a re-enactment to previous events.
The spectre was screaming and struggling pulling away from something but what it wasn't clear. Aya was in clear pain and was bleeding or rather being drained off her power. This was only something Lia had heard of not something that she though anyone had the heart to do. But it would seem she had mistaken the good nature of human kind for every single person representing this good nature.

She watched as her heart felt as if it were being wretched by the thread. The spell faded and Lia was pulled back to where she once stood, all was quite and dark and peaceful once more. Now Lia knew what had happened to Aya, we'll sort of.

Moments later Harry soon followed by the other emerged soaked.But in a small, tear shaped bottle Hugo held was a red liquid like a liquid made of fire but not suffering.
"Hugo, Coral on my broom, Hugo, Abby and Maggie on Emily's and Iggy and Billy on Lia's now let's go before we get in any danger"
Upon finishing her sentence a great, deep growling could be hear distantly approaching the group. They quickly all rushed onto the broomsticks and where off within moments.

Abby happened to look back at that moment what she saw was a tree like claw reach out from behind the bush. Abby didn't wish to see anymore, now she turned back. And look towards the dimly lit school in the sunset.
Harry wondered how to get back in, even though it was drastic she knew that it was the best way.
"Emily, crash your broomstick though the headmasters office he should still be awake, Lia follow me"
Lia and Harry plus the people on the back of the broom headed towards the window of the medical wing, we're Alice was.

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