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JUDGE : Jahools

If I Ask You to Stay by TXsmart

The cover is very cool. I love the multiple pictures making up one larger picture...that makes it very eye-catching. The font is visible and attractive.

Definitely caught my attention; I wanted to know more about what it meant. It is relevant to the plot, as the actual line is used in the book.

I'd prefer to see the quotes from the book before the rankings. That is what caught my attention and made me interested in the book, rather than the rankings. A space/line between the quotes and the rankings would make it more aesthetically pleasing. It does not give any spoilers.

From the first few lines of the Prologue, I was drawn in. A very interesting way to start, and the way it was written made me feel the character's devastation, even though I wasn't at all acquainted with the character yet. I definitely wanted to learn more.

PLOT : 20/20
The plot was interesting, and definitely kept me wanting to read to learn more. There are no plot holes or anything else that makes it unappealing in that regard. The book is a good, easy read that keeps things compelling the whole way through. I liked it enough that I want to eventually read the sequel.

I enjoyed Bella's character. She was sweet and kept her morals and interests important to her throughout. She frustrated me some, but I believe she was written that way to elicit those types of feelings. She wasn't perfect, like a lot of OCs or Y/Ns tend to be, and that's a good thing. I loved Jin. He went through a very meaningful and important arc that made his character more relatable and honest at the end. Jimin had an important arc, as well, though I think Jin's was greater. I loved Namjoon! Cindy was hilarious. The other BTS members, though not always very present, were great when they were.

The whole book, from plot to grammar to sentence structure was great. Everything made sense, I was never left questioning what the author intended. As noted above, the characters were great, and their dialogue was understandable and interesting.

PACE : 9/10
Everything was laid out well. I think there could have been a bit more resolution after the kidnapping. It felt a bit rushed at the very end. Everything else, though, was done very well.

The book is damn near perfect in this regard. No glaringly obvious mistakes in grammar, punctuation or sentence structure. It was written extremely well.

𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 || 2023 | CLOSED Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant