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Treeclaw yawned and rolled onto his side in the warriors den. Beside him was Goldenfur, who he had been friends with since he was a kit, and Onefur, Treeclaw's brother. They were both asleep, and so were the other warriors in the den, but Treeclaw couldn't get to sleep, even though he wanted to and knew he needed to.

I'm going to take Lightpaw hunting and teach her some fighting skills tomorrow. I have to go to sleep so I have energy. Treeclaw thought to himself. He looked at Onefur and sighed. Onefur said that his apprentice is getting good at fighting. I have to get Lightpaw up to the same level, or she and I will look weak.

He started carefully planning what he would do in the battle training, overthinking every idea he had. It was the sort of thing Treeclaw always did to make sure everything would be perfect. Treeclaw stood up and sighed. He wasn't going to be able to sleep until he got some fresh air. As quietly as he could, he made his way out of the warriors den and into the middle of camp. It looked bigger than usual, because it was so empty.

Outside, Treeclaw sat on the rocks beside the camp entrance and breathed in the fresh night air and looked around at the moonlit ferns and bushes. Then he realised he could hear something. Frowning, he followed the sound until he reached the ForestClan border. Two cats were sitting on TreeClan's side, and they didn't have a scent of any clan Treeclaw had met.
One of them was a stocky, pure grey boy who had his back to Treeclaw, and the other was a brown tabby boy who was facing Treeclaw's direction. Treeclaw ducked behind a bush and watched, trying to pick up on their conversation.

"This is TreeClan territory. And over that river is ForestClan." Said the brown cat.

"I hate ForestClan... I'll go over there and rip them all to shreds!" The grey cat growled.

"For the last time, Sootclaw, we aren't attacking ForestClan." The brown cat replied.

"Yet. We're not attacking them yet." Sootclaw said, his tail flicking.

The brown cat sighed.

"Hawktail? We're going to attack them eventually, right?" Sootclaw said.

"Sootclaw, we're attacking them tomorrow." Hawktail said, a cruel smile appearing on his face. "I heard from Stormstar that RiverClan will be helping us. With them on our side, we can easily take ForestClan down."

Sootclaw cackled. "We can take TreeClan down with them!" He said.

Hawktail smirked. "Yes. ForestClan will need them. Come on, let's get back to the rest of StreamClan before someone hears you."

The two cats turned and leaped over the river, following it down to where Treeclaw could no longer see. I should follow them. He thought. Now he didn't want to go to sleep. He had to learn as much about these cats as possible.

Treeclaw leaped over to some more bushes and slowly watched the cats until they had reached ShadowClan territory. There, they turned towards RiverClan. I can't follow them now. It's just an open field. Treeclaw sighed and turned angrily back towards TreeClan. I know enough to possibly prevent the battle.

He knew where to go. First, he would go to ForestClan and warn whoever he could find. Then he would go back to TreeClan and warn Tigerstar and Blazefire. With a new boost of energy, Treeclaw rushed back towards the ForestClan river.

I have to save ForestClan. Maybe it's my destiny. Maybe that's why I couldn't sleep. 

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