Chapter 4

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Ghale would immediately recognize the face of this man. There was no doubt that it was Thief Koros in the flesh. He would have dark clothed armor and black shoulder pads on. He would have three daggers holstered on his waist, two of them being on his left as the other one was on his right. His eyepatch would weakly illuminate a purple light, barely noticeable. "Jeez, you guys act as if you're seeing a Delta for the first time. What's with you? Anyways, nice pockets, purple dude. You literally have no Kues on you!" Dreg would lower his eyebrows. "How'd you know that?" Koros would facepalm. "Oh come on, I KNOW for a FACT you guys aren't stupid! I'm a thief! Like I said, I have my ways! Anyways, take care of'em, boys." As Koros said this, almost immediately, nearly ten men would jump out of the trees, equipped with crude swords and knives.

Ghale would immediately summon a glyph, infusing his sword with wind. He would hold his sword downward, slashing upward towards the man that charged for him first. The blow would hit him directly, sending him high into the air. Ghale would aim another glyph at the man now in the air and would focus his Raw Reservoir into a bolt of wind, growing every second he kept in on the glyph. Ghale would snap his fingers with the hand that summoned the glyph and the bullet would strive towards the man until it slashed his clothes. As he dropped onto the ground, Ghale would run towards him, waiting for the man to go onto the offensive first. When the man tried stabbing Ghale in the stomach, Ghale would slash his sword downward, parrying the measly dagger out of the man's hands. Ghale would then whirl around and slash the neck of the man, effectively eliminating him.

Dreg would be fighting three men at once, quickly whirling around each of them, slashing them in the back each chance he got. Before he could kill them, though, Koros himself would summon a large, red glyph. Koros would push the glyph straight towards Dreg and the glyph would collapse in on itself, turning into a fiery copy of Koros. "Say hello to the Flames of Reflection!" Koros would shout confidently as the flame copy bolt towards dreg, shoving its fiery dagger into his side. Dreg would whip around to slash down onto the fire, but his sword would just go straight through the fire, doing nothing.

Ghale would run towards one of the men targeting Dreg, preparing to slash down onto his back but the man would circle around on Ghale, swiftly jabbing a crude dagger into his stomach. "Ack!" Ghale would grunt out, weakly slashing the man, doing nothing. The man would pull the dagger out of Ghale's stomach, readying to stab him in the heart but before he could, Kyrie would jump onto the man, slicing his neck with her own sword, screaming something along the words of; "DAMN BASTARD!" Or something like that, Ghale couldn't really tell.

Ghale would pace backward, watching as his friends were fighting for their lives as he fumbled onto the dirt, panting and bleeding out. Was he really going to die again? Leaving his friends to fend for themselves? Was he really this weak?

Ghale would slowly hold up one of his hands, summoning a glyph. He would make a bullet of wind as big as he could, about the size of a head. He would point it to Koros sluggishly, and would snap his fingers, launching it at incredible speeds towards the grinning thief. The bullet would land, shoving Koros back a few feet. Koros would shout angrily, frantically looking around to see who did it. He then would lock eyes with Ghale. He would quickly sprint towards him, taking out two of his daggers. "Dare to pick a fight with me when you're already dying? You wish to be put out of misery?" Ghale would weakly grin. "Nope! You're the one about to be immobilized." Thief Koros' eyes would then widen as winding would pull him up into the air and he would quickly being strapped down back onto the ground with silk-like green strands.

"How!?" Ghale would get up slowly shrugging. "It's called utility." Ghale would grab his sword from the ground and was ready to shout for Dreg until he saw htat he was still fighting the flame copy. Ghale would see Boris kill off his last opponent and would flip backwards toward Dreg, shouting something he couldn't really hear due to the noise the fire copy was making constantly. Dreg would nod to Boris, closing his eyes for just a moment before dropping his katana and holding out both arms, summoning something Ghale could barely make out. It seemed to be a type of Glyph, which confused Ghale, because he couldn't see it at all, why was that?

A horrifying face with hollowed out eyes would come out of the supposed glyph, making a croaking noise until dreg put down his arms and swiftly kicked it, causing it to scream disgustingly. The face would explode, immediately taking out the fire copy and turning the land around them gray. "The hell!?" Koros would shout, looking towards Dreg. Dreg would leap towards Ghale and Koros, staring down at the wanted man. "So, now that we took down your little butt buddies, care to tell us if you know anything about the infection that spreaded across the Vagabond Coast?

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