Part III- Tension

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   (Y/N) heard the strange growling coming from Uranus' stomach and opened her eyes. She was confused and didn't know what it meant. She looked over at Uranus but he was asleep and didn't seem to notice that she was awake. She heard a few more strange growling noises, but she started to feel groggy and tired again. She decided to try to get back to sleep but couldn't shake off the feeling that something strange was going on. A few more strange growling noises came from Uranus' stomach...

   (Y/N) was tired but the growling coming from Uranus' stomach kept her up. She looked over and asked, "What was that?"

Uranus turned to look at her and his stomach rumbled uncomfortably. He told her that it was probably just his dinner trying to digest. He laughed nervously and reassured her that everything was fine. "The reader" took his word for it and laid her head back down.

She was feeling a little better, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right...

    The growling coming from Uranus' stomach confused "the reader." She turned to see Uranus and noticed that he was looking at her with a hungry expression. She couldn't help but feel slightly nervous.

Uranus' stomach continued to rumble and growl as he watched "the reader" closely. He was thinking about how delicious she looked and how much he wanted to eat her.

"The reader" could feel the cold from outside seeping back into her body, her eyes widening as Uranus looked at her with such a hungry gaze...

    Uranus continued to look at (Y/N) with hunger in his eyes. Her heart was pumping as she realized what Uranus was thinking. She felt trapped and afraid. Her mind was racing as she tried to think of a way out of this situation.

Uranus finally spoke, his voice heavy with desire. "I can make you feel nice and warm again, but it will cost you..." (Y/N)'s fears grew even more when Uranus spoke to her with such desire. She knew his offer came with a heavy price...  Uranus looked at (Y/N) with such hunger in his eyes that she was scared. She could feel his stomach growling and rumbling loudly.

    She was nervous but didn't want to cause any trouble. She didn't want to be rude or ungrateful. She figured that Uranus was just a predator and his stomach was hungry. After all, predators need to eat, right? But then, she noticed the way he was staring at her and the look of hunger in his eyes. His stomach was rumbling even louder now, as if his stomach was... 

   Uranus had decided that he was going to eat (Y/N). He couldn't help but feel excited by the thought. He had never eaten a girl before and he wanted to see what it was like. He walked over to (Y/N) who was frozen in fear as he leaned over the bed. She could feel his hot breath on her face as he looked down at her, his stomach rumbling and growling loudly. 

  (Y/N) looked at Uranus with fear, but she was also confused. She didn't know what he meant by "the cost" and she desperately wanted to stay warm. Uranus saw the fear in (Y/N)'s eyes and he smirked. He knew that he had her right where he wanted her.

"Well," he said, "it seems I have a choice for you to make." Uranus paused for a moment, enjoying the fact that he was the one who was in control...

   After a moment, Uranus continued, "You have two choices. You can either leave right now, never to see me again. And you'll continue to suffer and possibly freeze to death.


He paused again, smiling as he awaited (Y/N)'s decision.

"Or," he finally said, "you can choose to stay with me."

Uranus' smile grew even wider as he waited for (Y/N)'s decision...

  Uranus was enjoying the power he had over her. He could see the look of fear on her face as she realized that her life was in his hands. He leaned in close and whispered to her, "If you want to stay warm, you'll have to come into my stomach."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in fear and disbelief. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She looked at Uranus, trying to decide what to do. She was so cold and desperate to stay warm, but she wasn't sure if she could do what Uranus was asking... (Y/N) was still conflicted about whether or not to do what Uranus was asking. She was worried that she would get hurt or that Uranus would try to eat her. But, she was still so cold and desperate to stay warm. She finally decided to trust Uranus. She nodded her head in agreement. Uranus smiled when he saw "the reader's response. His plan had worked and he would finally get to eat her.

"This way," Uranus said, motioning for (Y/N) to come with him.

  Uranus lead "the reader" towards his bed. He stopped in front of the mattress and told her to lie down.

"The reader" was nervous, but she knew that it was her only chance to stay warm. She did as Uranus said and lay down on the bed.

Uranus was now standing over her, looking down with a hungry expression on his face. He couldn't wait to eat "the reader" and his stomach was already rumbling in anticipation.

  Uranus stood over (Y/N) for what felt like an eternity. He was eagerly anticipating that first bite, but he wanted to make sure that "the reader" was fully prepared for what was coming.

(Y/N) could feel Uranus staring at her and she could hear his stomach rumbling in anticipation. She tried to stay calm, but she couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Are you ready?" Uranus asked her, his voice dripping with anticipation.

  Okay, here's the next part:

(Y/N) was feeling more and more nervous by the second. She knew what Uranus was getting ready to do and she wasn't sure if she was ready for it.

"Um... I guess?" "The reader" replied, still feeling anxious.

Uranus saw the nervousness on (Y/N)'s face and smiled. It only made him want to eat her even more than before. He was so excited to feel her sliding down his throat and into his stomach.

"Well, don't keep me waiting!" Uranus said hungrily.

Warming up (Uranus x Female reader soft vore fic) {Heliosphere: Under the Sky}Where stories live. Discover now