Part IV- Protection

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    Uranus couldn't wait any longer. He was so hungry and he wanted to have (Y/N) finally inside of him. He leaned down towards her and opened up his mouth as wide as possible. (Y/N) closed her eyes tightly as she waited for Uranus to swallow her. She was scared, but she trusted that he knew what he was doing. She felt the warmth of Uranus' breath wash over her face as he drew her closer and closer towards his throat. 

   Uranus slowly closed his mouth, feeling (Y/N) slide down his throat. He could feel her struggling against his throat, but he was too excited to let her go now. He knew that she felt uncomfortable, but he didn't care. All he cared about was that he was finally going to be able to eat her. Uranus felt her get stuck in his throat for a moment, but he soon felt her slide further down. He felt her slide into his stomach and his stomach rumbled in delight. After he swallows her, he'll sit on his bed and let her squirm and move around inside him. But, he will refuse to digest her and will keep her safe inside his stomach until the cold weather disappears.


Warming up (Uranus x Female reader soft vore fic) {Heliosphere: Under the Sky}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora