Chapter 1.

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Aryaʼs POV.

"Princess." My dear friend David called out for me. We are both standing in the middle of the field, watching our knights in training.

"What is it that you want?" I questioned without a glance. I eyed everyone. They let out a shout before swinging their sword at the dummy.

David sighs as he sees I'm not interested enough to care. "The King, your father asked me to come and escort you back to the castle." I nodded before leaving my sword.

The driver awaits me to go inside. I took one more glance at my surroundings before entering. As I heard nothing else but the wheels and engine of the car, my mind grew curious about what my father wanted from me. "Did he tell you why he wanted me?" I questioned David.

David shook his head, "Not a single idea, Arya."

Both came into a comfortable silence.

Without noticing, the car was already in front of the castle. The Royal guards opened my and Davidʼs door. "Are you nervous?" David asked, fixing his attire.

"No, it's my father only." Neither of us talked while walking.

A guard came rushing towards me. "Your Royal Princess and Marquess." He bows, "Thy king and Duke would like you to enter his chamber."

David and I looked at each other before opening my father's office. "Father?" I questioned. The Duke bows, and so does David towards my father. "Did you call for me?" He nods.

"My Princess, please, sit down. You too, David." He gestures for us to sit. "I see that curious face of yours, my daughter." He sighs before sitting down. "The Royal Castle has and can give you whatever you need. However, I won't be able to provide you with cooperation among folks." He gestured for the Duke (Davidʼs father.) to continue.

"What the king is trying to imply is that you two can no longer stay in this castle." David stood up in a panic, trying to get his dad to explain further.

I looked over at my dad, who was smiling softly. "It's for the best."

I can't accept this.

This castle is my life, my only memory of my mother. I can't imagine myself being far away from the only memory I got from her.

"Why?" I asked. "I'm a good Knight, father. I fought for this castle, and this is what happens to me?" Everyone stood quiet and shocked. "What?" I asked furiously.

"Sweetheart, I only want the best for you."

"Well, dear father. This? It's ridiculous!" I ranted more to him, and I can not lose.

He slams his table. "It's what your mother wanted!" He shouts at me. "Your mother was a commoner. She told me when you reach the right age. You will, and you must go and be in a commonerʼs school."

I grew silent. Is that what my mother had wanted? "But father, I learn everything here in the castle. Why would my mother want me to be out of the castle?" I wondered; it was unbelievable.

He sits back down. "I don't know, my dear. Your mother has been the wisest, and I know what she's doing is for the best of your future." I was in a daze. I heard him sigh, "You have about a few weeks in this castle, my dear." He stood to approach me. He pats my shoulder before I hear everyone leaving.

An hour had passed, and I felt my feet drag me into my deceased mother's bedroom. I kneeled when I met her bed. "Mommy?" My voice shakes, wishing for someone or for her to answer me. I miss her voice, and I can barely remember it.

I wish to hear her sing one last time before I leave. However, I know I am asking for the impossible.

I cried, not wanting to leave her. Why is it that I have the misfortune? My hand grips on my mother's blanket. "I don't want to leave you here, Mommy."

I hope she can see me and pity me. I want to be with her in this castle. I want her back.

I sobbed on her bed the whole evening.


Oh my god, another gay story. ˙ᵕ˙

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