chapter 1 lillian

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Today's the birthday dinner for my best friend Allie. Unfortunately, Logans going to be there. I mean its not bad that I get to see my boyfriend, but he's also my brothers best friend. The reason I don't want to see Logan is because neither of us have told my brother we're together. I feel weird telling my brother that I'm dating one of his friends. Logan's not just one of his friends, he's THE friend.
He's the one that comes on all of our family vacations, he's the one who stays at our house all summer. He's always at our house

My family and Logan's family both know we're in a relationship, they just don't know it's with each other. The funny thing is Jake, my brother doesn't want me dating one of his friends, but he and Allie have some romantic connection between each. I just haven't figured out if they are just hooking up or if they're together.
"Holy Allie this house is huge" I say trying to start a conversation to distract myself from all the stuff that could possibly happen today. "Its not even my house, it's my parents." Allie replies.
"Yeah i know, but don't they always end up going on vacation after vacation?"
"It gets annoying cause they'll stay here one day each month so i hardly have any time to talk to them"
"I bet"
"Hey maybe you and logan could finally have a sleepover like you've always wanted, and this time you don't have to be worried about Jake catching you two." Allie says
Allie's the only one who know me and Logan are together. Logan, unfortunately doesn't trust any of his friends enough to not tell Jake. So we've both agreed to just tell Allie. She's right though, every time Logan comes over to hangs out with jake.
He always tries to sleep in my bed with me, but i always have the worry that Jake might walk right into my room for something and see us together. So Logan and I end up spending not even 20 minutes together because he gets tired really quickly for some odd reason. When he eventually ends up getting tired I tell him to go back to Jake's room, so we don't get caught.

Which works most time, even if he's super tired. Unfortunately I feel that if  my brother just walks in and sees us he would get even madder, than he would if I just told him and had an actual conversation with him.

"Who all is coming?" I asked Allie
"Um well Logan, Jake, my aunt, Emery, Ava and a few other friends from school."Allie says.
"Ugh why'd you have invite Logan"
"You don't seen very happy to see your boyfriend." Allie sarcastic tone because she knows how hard it's going to be when me and him are in the same room together and aren't even allowed to hold hands. "Shut up"
In a little bit everyone should start showing up. I'm slightly scared to see Logan because I don't know how he's going to greet me. It could between a simple high-five to an extravagant kiss. I'd be fine with either but not in front of Jake. Logan knows that, but likes to bend the rules.

"Are you excited to see Logan" Allie asks.
"Kinda, I'm scared though."
" you don't need to bed scared" " that's where you're wrong, I have no clue how he's going to greet" " if stupid enough he would kiss you, but if he's not stupid he would just give you a hug or something." " Yeah possibly." Im still worried though. "Hey, what if I just hide where he can't find me then I don't have to worry about anything happening in front of Jake.' I ask Allie slightly joking around.

"Haha, yeah that would totally work, you know I would definitely not tell logan where you are" Allie says, trying to cheer me up. "Speaking of the devil Logan, here he comes." Fuck im literlly shaking. I don't know what to do. I mean I could hide like i told Allie or i could just stand here and be normal. Ahh, and Jake's behind him. Act normal, chill out your fine nothing's flopping to happen. "Hey lil sis" Jake says as he gives me a quick hug. Next Logan gives me a hug and whispers in my ear " you look beautiful"
" thank you" I whisper back.

"Ok guys just go sit somewhere I guess.  Diners not starting for awhile." Allie says to my brother and boyfriend. They both walk into Allie's house. Right behind them it's Allie and I. We all sit on the large sofa that's in the living room. "Your phone keeps buzzing, you should check it." Allie says. I don't even need too look at my phone too know who's texting me. I see Logan has his phone out and looks like he's texting some one, and that someone would be me. " Aren't you going to check your phone Lily." Logan says while giving me a smirk.

Logan: Why won't you come sit by me?

He knows exactly why i won't go over there. Ugh, sometimes he just irritates me.

Lillian: because for one Jake is rigjt by you. For two you will end up trying to hold my hand or touch me even very slightly. For three it would be suspicious if I move away from Allie and sit by you.

Logan: Allie knows we're together.

Lillian: ok i know Allie knows but Jake doesn't and I don't feel like it's the right time to tell him.

"Who are you guys texting? Allie and I are getting bored." Jake says trying to annoy me "No one, I was looking at new motorcycles" Logan says trying too cover up. " Hey allie can you and me go talk I want to show you something?" All im trying to do is get away from my brother and boyfriend. "Yeah, let's go up to my new room." Allie says as she realises why i want to talk  "You got a new room?" " Yeah sorta, all i did was move into the room across the hall but my parents let me remodel it and stuff."  Allie says as we walk up the stairs. When we reach the top of the stairs I can finally say something without worrying that Jake's going to hear me.

"Ugh, Logan was texting me while we were sitting on the sofa." I say
" I figured that's why you were acting weird." "Im not mad that he was texting me, it's just he knows how hard it is for me not too sit buy him and that pisses me off." " yeah i get you" Allie says

"Wait how do you get it?" I ask hoping she'll confess something to me. " just past things you know" she says answering my question but i know she's lying cause now she's acting weird. I really want had to just confess. I guess ill have to wait till she's ready. "We should probably go back down stairs my aunt should be coming soon." Allie says trying not to make me question her more. " yeah"

"Hi lillian, I haven't seen you in so long." Allies aunt says "I know, I guess I need to start coming over when you're here" this one of her aunt's was the one that was always here when Allies parents weren't. Now she's not here as often because Allie got older. She's still a really cool person though. " lillian guess what I got!" Allies younger cousin says "I don't know what" " a huge bag of popcorn!" " oh my gosh can I have some?"

"No it's all mine" " bummer i was really hoping for some bit that's ok if you don't want too share."
"I'm so sorry girls but i have to take Riley to her dad's house then I'll come straight back here." Allies aunt says to Allie and me.
" no problem, you don't need to rush. " Allie says to her aunt, while I give Riley a hug and say good bye.
Allie keeps running around the house trying to get it spotless. Even though i don't see a mess anywhere. I don't know it confusing that's she's even cleaning.
" boys you know you could help since Lily's on the her phone ordering stuff." Allie yells at the boys. I think it's pretty funny that Allie actually raised her voice at them, while their mid conversation. " jeez Allie calm down. You don't need too have this place spotless, It's not like your parents are going to show up." Trying to calm her down when really its just pissing her off. "Logan!" I yell at him. "You know what Logan, you also don't have too be a dick. You're more than welcome tio leave at Abby moment." Allie says cause Logan has pissed her off bad. I text him to try to make him stop.

Lillian: Logan you need to stop, She,s getting pissed off.

Logan: lils quit worrying, I'll be fine fine it's not like she's going to do anything.

Lillian: babe have you learned nothing. She's going to make you leave and then you won't be able to see me until I get home, and i wont be able to see you so pls stop for me at least

Logan: fine

Lillian: pls don't mad at me
Lillian: Logan I can see you reading these texts.

my brother hates me Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora