The Swift Response: Uniting for the Demon Kingdom

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Upon receiving the devastating news of the Imperial Kingdom's assault on the Demon Kingdom, Emperor Thulgrazes and Ejhay knew they had to act swiftly. Half of their kingdom had already been laid to waste by the Imperial Knights.

Emperor Thulgrazes conveyed the dire situation to Ejhay, his voice heavy with concern. "Ejhay, our kingdom is in peril. The Imperial Knights have ravaged our lands. We must act quickly to defend our people and reclaim our home."

Ejhay nodded in agreement, his mind racing to formulate a plan. He realized that traditional travel would not suffice. Horses would take far too long to traverse the distance, and they couldn't afford to lose precious time. "We need to reach the Demon Kingdom as fast as possible," he declared. "We have the means to do so."

With his wisdom blessing and inventive spirit, Ejhay conjured a solution. He would create magical vehicles powered by an unlimited source of gas through enchanted magic items. These vehicles would allow their army to travel non-stop and reach the Demon Kingdom within hours.

Ejhay's mind worked tirelessly as he transcended knowledge of vehicle construction to his people. He conjured a fleet of land vehicles and planes resembling those of his previous life, a sight that left the army in awe. The land vehicles, to be ridden by Thulgrazes, Ejhay, Ashel, and Elric, were designed for both speed and protection.

These vehicles could carry thousands of soldiers, and with an army of ten thousand, they would be transported quickly and efficiently. The planes were filled with brave warriors ready to defend their homeland.

Thulgrazes watched in amazement as the fleet of magical vehicles was assembled before his eyes. Ejhay, with his unparalleled wisdom and inventive prowess, had turned the tide of their dire situation. "Ejhay, you've created a miracle," Thulgrazes declared. "With this fleet, we can reach the Demon Kingdom swiftly and protect our people. Your ingenuity is astounding."

Ejhay was quick to issue orders. "Thulgrazes, you must board one of the land vehicles along with your most trusted advisers. Elric and Ashel, you will be responsible for piloting the planes. We have six hours to reach the Demon Kingdom before the Imperial Kingdom can inflict further damage."

As the clock ticked down, the fleet of magical vehicles and planes stood ready. The fate of the Demon Kingdom hinged on their swift response and the determination of their people to defend their lands against the Imperial Kingdom's tyranny.

Thulgrazes, Ejhay, Ashel, and Elric embarked on the land vehicle, which was specially designed for speed and comfort. It was a remarkable piece of engineering, and Thulgrazes couldn't help but be impressed by Ejhay's ingenuity.

The journey was intense, with the land vehicle moving at an astonishing pace. Ejhay's magical gas-powered engine propelled them forward, and the landscape outside was a blur as they sped toward the Demon Kingdom. Thulgrazes couldn't help but be amazed at the technology that Ejhay had brought to their realm.

As they approached their destination, they saw the dark smoke rising in the distance, a grim reminder of the devastation that had befallen their kingdom. Thulgrazes clenched his fists, his determination to protect his people growing stronger with each passing moment.

In the sky above, the ten thousand strong army was on board the planes, ready to drop into action at a moment's notice. These brave soldiers were the backbone of their defense, and their unwavering loyalty to Ejhay and Thulgrazes was evident in their determined expressions.

The land vehicle came to a sudden halt as they reached the border of the Demon Kingdom. Thulgrazes, Ejhay, Ashel, and Elric disembarked, their faces filled with determination. They knew that the battle ahead would be fierce, but they were ready to defend their homeland and protect their people at all costs.

With a sense of urgency, they joined forces with the waiting army, and together, they moved as one toward the heart of the Demon Kingdom, prepared to face the Imperial Knights and reclaim their lands.

The journey had been swift, but the battle ahead promised to be even swifter as they fought to defend their homeland and the people they held dear.

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