Divergent: Review

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  Divergent is a young adult novel written by Veronica Roth that keeps you captivated   Throughout. The story takes place in future Chicago where society is split into 5 parts: Erudite for the intelligent, Candor for the honest, Amity for the kind, Abnegation for the selfless and Dauntless for the brave. Beatrice(Tris) Prior is required to choose her faction and the story follows her journey in a risky world where appearing different can be lethal.
  The way Veronica Roth writes this story is both engaging and immersive, pulling the reader into this magical world she has created, and evoking empathy for characters and their hardships. The narrative moves swiftly, with hair-raising discoveries and tear-creating hardships. The book provides plenty of adventure, thrill and a hint of romance to keep you interested throughout the novel. Trust me, it's impossible to put down! I was hooked through every last word.

   Divergent stands out from other dystopian novels for it's individuality, significance of making choices, and the importance of unity in diversity. Tris's struggle against the oppressive system while on a journey of self-discovery is truly inspiring.
  The book also shows glimpses of the mysterious, reserved Four, who has been the undercover hero all along, and the death and destruction of others instead of being focused on only Tris. Other than being incredibly interesting , Divergent has so many amazing, heartfelt quotes that show true meaning to life and passion.

    Every character in Divergent is elaborate and expertly built, exhibiting both strengths and weaknesses. The challenge of fitting into a conformist society while maintaining individuality, which Beatrice faces head-on, creates an enthralling read with its relatable and captivating protagonist. One of the reasons I love this book is because it's realistic - not everything goes your way. Tris faces many challenges, and she can't get out of all of them. The book is a constant struggle which make readers appreciate the little moments in life.

   Overall, "Divergent" is a must-read for fans of dystopian fiction, action, and adventure. Roth's masterful storytelling and compelling themes will leave you wanting more and eagerly anticipating the next book in the series. Go and read this bittersweet book now!
  Warning: The ending of Allegiant will leave you in a puddle of tears, so read the concluding book of the trilogy at your own risk. Also, as fore mentioned, the epilogue sucks!!! DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF DEPRESSION BY READING IT!!!

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