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ELENA AWOKE IN A STRANGER'S ARMS. She tried to stay calm while also trying to figure out how she got here. Forming a plan, she closed her eyes to pretend to still be asleep but also to try dull the pain from her spinning headache.

She felt the person place her on a sofa. She opened her eyes slowly, pretending to only just wake up. As she tried to sit up, a sudden dizziness appeared and she had to steady herself.

When the dizziness wore off, Elena noticed that her hands were tied, as were her feet, but a man, who she assumed kidnapped her, was already untying the ropes, which she found odd.

Why would he risk her running away?

"What do you want?" Elena asked quietly. Her head was still throbbing, and she didn't think she could deal with loud noises right now. She felt weak and she hated the feeling.

The man shushed her.

"Please, I'm hurt." She had only realised as the headache dulled that her arm was bleeding.

The man smirked at her. "I know."

Elena saw his eyes change, the veins popping out from under his eyes, showing that he was a vampire.

She tried to move away, but she was still too sore and dizzy.

The man grabbed her hurt arm.

"Just a taste," he said as he leaned closer to her arm, his fangs visible.

"No!" Elena exclaimed.

She was still trying to move away when a woman entered the room.

"Trevor! Control yourself," the woman scolded him. She had a stern voice and her eyes were narrowed as she glared at the man. Her hair was cut into a messy fashion; she had a pretty face with a sharp jawline.

Trevor moved away from the sofa and, as he walked past the woman, he muttered, "Buzz kill." Though it was loud enough for her to hear, so she continued to glare at the back of his head as he walked out the room.

She turned to Elena, who tried to sit up again.

"What do you want from me?"

The woman walked closer to her, as if trying get a better look. "My god, you look just like her."

"But I'm not," Elena pleaded, "please, whatever you--"

"Be quiet!" The woman commanded.

Elena finally manged to get up from the sofa, and walked towards the woman.

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