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ELENA PANTED HEAVILY AS SHE finally managed to place Stefan's dresser in front of the door

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ELENA PANTED HEAVILY AS SHE finally managed to place Stefan's dresser in front of the door. She hoped that it would successfully stop Rose from entering the room.

She had been ordered by Damon to look after Rose, who had been bitten by a werewolf, whilst he asked Jules, the werewolf who bit Rose, whether there was a cure.

Elena knew that there was no cure and she was sure that Damon did too, but he seemed hell-bent on trying to save Rose, so Elena didn't say anything to provoke him and gladly looked after Rose... that was until Rose started to attack her, thinking that she was Katherine.

She had found a blood bag on the floor by the entrance of the basement and staggered through the door, hoping that Rose was still in the right mind but most evidence pointed against it.

Elena had rounded a corner, following blood bags, and saw Rose sitting on the ground, sucking blood out of a bag that was nearly empty.

There were more empty bags around her and she began to panic, knowing that Rose wasn't in the right mind.

"Rose?" Elena asked quietly. She knew she had heard it, though, because her head snapped towards her.

Once Rose had seen her, she knew it was a mistake. The woman's eyes narrowed and she used her vamp speed to get to Elena before she could run.

Rose shoved her against the wall and bared her fangs, ready to kill.

"Katerina," Rose hissed. Her eyes held Elena's in a glare whilst Elena stood, shaking, trying to think a way out of this.

Just as Rose went to bite into Elena's neck, she kicked her in the abdomen and shoved the older woman away, not taking a second to look behind as she hulled things in the way to slow Rose's chase.

Elena reached a door and tried to pry it open but it wouldn't budge, so she continued running, still figuring out a plan in her head.

She had ran upstairs and into Stefan's room, closing the door behind her. She could hear Rose whizzing through the house with her vamp speed, most likely trying to find her.

Elena had locked the door and placed Stefan's dresser in the way.

And that was how she got into the situation she was in.

She ran to the curtains and pushed them open, letting natural light flood into the room.

She saw the door knob twist and tried not to panic.

She searched through her pockets and found her phone; she turned it on, stopping herself as she wondered who to call. She had called Damon earlier before she got trapped so he knew that she was in the house. Maybe she could try calling Stefan?

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