Chapter 3

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However, as the days passed, whispers started to circulate around Willowbrook. The tales of their innocent adventure had been twisted, exaggerated, and embellished by those who had nothing better to do. In no time, rumors of Lily being a homewrecker and a scandalous slut began to spread like wildfire. Her phone started to buzz incessantly, flooded with vile death threats from strangers who knew nothing about her or the pure bond she shared with Sarah.

Lily, once brimming with life and laughter, was now left questioning her identity and her choices. She felt trapped beneath the weight of the judgments and accusations that the townsfolk threw at her. She became a hot topic in Willowbrook, and her name was whispered with disdain on everyone's tongue. They accused her of being a rebound, of taking advantage of the boy she had liked, and she felt as though she had no choice in how she was portrayed.

Sarah, who had witnessed the entire ordeal unfold, did her best to reassure Lily that they hadn't done anything wrong. They had simply been two friends enjoying Thin Mints on a trampoline, oblivious to the chaos that would follow. But the damage was done, and the judgment of their small town was unforgiving.

As time continued to pass, Lily began to see the situation for what it truly was. She realized that her attachment to the boy she had liked and the unfortunate events that followed were not catastrophizing. It was merely a series of circumstances that had spiraled out of control, and she had simply wanted to offer a kind, comforting presence during a difficult chapter in his life. It wasn't about internet illusions; it was about two kids going through a challenging phase together.

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