The touch Part2

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"Mon amour me dire pourquoi votre action comme ça"? France saw you struggling and jumpy as he was starting to nibble and kiss your neck.
"I-Im fine" you said with a crack in your voice as you were shaking underneath him.
He then stared at you,he put a hand on your cheek and kisses you lovingly, "Amour.."he whispered at you which felt like a pleasant breeze, you stopped shaking and your body langue became more comfortable,"Yes love?" you said kind of breathless"Are you ready?" he still whispered, you gazed up passed his hair and his deep blue eyes and saw something in him that reminded you,
"I love you France, and I am ready."
As you both shimmied out of clothes, you both began to position yourself to where both your entrance and his member where touching softly. You gulped and prepared yourself.
Thrust after thrust which seem like you where starting to float, his member thrusting with no end to how fast and hard he was going.
One minutes turned into 1 hour, 1 hour to 2.
France then felt you tightening up around him as he started to thrust harder and slower.
France gave one hard last thrust
Screaming could've been heard from down the hall.
He layed down next to you watching you catch your breath.

"Round 2?" you giggled, he laughed at your comment.
"Sure poppet"

The end.

Canada,America,And England down the hall wondering where you and France where, they looked in each room till England stumble on your guys door, in bed, having sex, he shut the door quickly and shooed America and Canada off to look somewhere else.
Poor england.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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