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Likewise conversationcontinued. Both of they were awkward. One looked left side and the other Looked at the right side

Jeongin - I thought it would be impossible

Felix - impossible what?

Jeongin - I mean getting him back

Jeongin said with a deep concern. Felix looks at Chayoung who is avoiding eye contact with Minho

Felix - Girl, What the hell is you are doing? Just talk to him

Jeongin - Bro, leave her alone. She had been through a lot

Felix - Damn! I  think that's the side effect of watching BL dramas

He was right. Chayoung used to watch hundreds of BL dramas as well as dramas. Therefore she wanted to believe that her brother was dating her crush. Her smile proved Felix was correct. But the attractive person beside her got mad at this

Lee Know-Aish... what is happening to girls these days. Instead of finding someone you are watching the love stories of others! Oh god, Why?

Chayoung - Because they are perfect

Lee Know - Then are you lesbian?

Chayoung - I haven't tried on girls. Girls aren't like boys. They are jealous of each other

Felix studied Lee's face. It was chilly. Everyone was scared of him when he got mad

Felix - Please don't quarrel

Jeongin - Be quiet! Y'all are hella dense. You guys are quacking over simple dumb things

He said while driving the car. This time his statement was filled with a bit of annoyance. As he rarely gets angry no one uttered a single word.

Time flew and they went to their secret place. Meanwhile, Jisung was arguing with Seungmin

Changbin was helpless. He looked at Hyunjin. Unfortunately, he made the conflict increase instead of decreasing it

Seungmin - what the hell man? I just said your sister is stunning that's all

Han - Stay away from her. She is innocent

Hyunjin - She has watched thousands of BL dramas including reading mature stories on Wattpad. Do you think she is still innocent?

Han - Shut the fuck up

That's how the story of the conflict started. Gladly, it did not end up with beating each other. Instead, it looked like a never-ending debate


Then all of them were silent. Nobody wanted to see him getting annoyed. Even the romantic angry bird's anger was reduced in front of Jeongin

Seungmin - Chayoung, Let him be with your brother. You can be with me

Jeongin - STOP IT. YOU MORON. Why y'all always want to fight

Hyunjin - calm down Jeonginnie

Jeongin - Fine. Let's end this useless war. We must find Bangchan

Felix - Well, how?

Jeongin - Anyhow we must find him

Seungmin - You mean, my fake boyfriend

Jeongin - Whatever you mule

From then the youngest one of those boys acted as the leader. Others accept their fate by shutting their mouths.

Jeongin-Felix, Do you know that they labeled you as the girlfriend of Hyunjin?

Felix was bewildered and stunned. He looked at Hyunjin. Both of them expressed their unbelievable feeling

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