Part 5 - The Game Begins.

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*Tiawa wakes up from getting bitten from The spider and gets out of The bathroom and hides Behind a Amber rock she takes a small peek from The rock and sees Edamimi*

Insane Tiawa:*shock*

In Insane Tiawa's mind:my very first target.. Hehehe..

*she looks down Behind her and finds a small rock she grabs The rock and then throws it at Edamimi's head*

Edamimi:*her head begins bleeding and her expresion Changes to shock and falls down on The ground*

Insane Tiawa:*smiles widely while looking at her body*

Candelavra:*turns around and sees Edamimi on The ground bleeding* EDAMIMI?? *she begins running to her in shock worried abt her*

Insane Tiawa:*stops smiling and is back to her shocked expresion and then hides Behind The rock again and begins crawling away that no one could see her*

Candelavra:*she crouches* EDAMIMI?? ARE YOU OK?? *she turns her head around too see The other fire singing monsters to call for help* GUYS!.. GUYS!! EDAMIMI!! SHE'S NOT OK!!..

Rare Krillby,Floogull,Barrb:*they look at Candelavra in shock after hearing what she just said*WHAT?? *they run  to her and Edamimi*

Candelavra:LOOK GUYS!! SHE IS NOT MOVING!! *she shakes Edamimi*

Barrb:Oh no... Who couldve done this to her??.. *looks worried*



Candelavra:but.. where is The hospital?..

Floogull:ik where it is!

Candelavra:*gasps* WHERE??

Floogull:its in the Ethereal town! Follow me guys! *they begin walking*

*The others follow them too*

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