Part 6 - Its FREEZING in Here!

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*Krillby and Ziggurab go to Cold island after not finding Tiawa on Plant island*

Ziggurab:whew...and dang! Its very chilly in here!..

Krillby:fr.. We need smth warm to wear..

Ziggurab:*looks at Krillby* dont really need anything warm since you have some fur!! And fur keeps you warm.

Krillby:oh yeah! Your right! Well we need to get YOU! Smth warm.. Oh hey look! *she points at a little shop with warm clothes and hot food* theres some stuff that can make you warm! Should we go there? We can even Ask whoever is working there where Tiawa is!

Ziggurab:*he looks at The shop* yeah sure! Sounds like a good idea *smiles at Krillby*

Krillby:*smiles back and offers her arm to him* cmon! Lets go now! :)

Ziggurab:*takes her arm* ok!

*they both run to The shop*

Mammott:oh hey you two! Want anything from my shop?

Krillby:yeah we actually need some warm clothes for my friend here! *points at Ziggurab*

Ziggurab:yeah.. For me.

Mammott:well come on in and pick!

Ziggurab:ok!- wait where do i exactly get in?..

Mammott:*goes to a corner from his lil shop and opens The door* Here! Go around this shop and Go in

Ziggurab:o-ok! *he goes around and then goes in The shop*

Mammott:pick what you like!

Ziggurab:*looks at The clothes* any small leg warmers for my crab legs?..

Mammott:yeah i have some! Only white ones tho..

Ziggurab:perfect! Gimme!

Mammott:ok! *gives him The leg warmers*

Ziggurab:*puts them on* its perfect!

Mammott:anything else?

Ziggurab:and a hat and a scarf please!

Mammott:ok here! *gives him The hat and a scarf*

Ziggurab:*puts them both on* great!!

Mammott:and.. Anything else again?

Ziggurab:no thanks!

Mammott:alr you can pay now.

Ziggurab:okie! How much tho?? :0

Mammott:20 monster coins.

Ziggurab:oh ok! Here! *gives The 20 monster coins*

Mammott:*takes them* k. Enjoy!

Ziggurab:ty! *walks out of The shop and goes back to Krillby*

Krillby:you look nice Ziggurab!

Ziggurab:hehe.. Thanks!

Krillby:np! *looks at Mammott* but hey uhh..

Mammott:hm? Oh my name is Mammott!

Krillby:oh- alr! So Mammott have you seen this monster called Tiawa? They are a amber monster like us!

Mammott:uhh.. No??

Krillby and Ziggurab:oh..

Krillby:well thanks for the clothes tho and have a great day! Since we are looking for her rn if youll see her.. Tell us!

Mammott:alr! Bye Bye you two!

Ziggurab and Krillby:Bye Bye! *they both run away*

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