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Once upon a time, at a respectable taco stand, Dreams piercingly purple, amethyst orbs gazed into Y/n's, "I'll never let you go Dweamy weamy!" Y/n said to him. Then they hugged before a massive portal opened and on the other side awaited her ex. Thomas the tank engine.

Trying to save both herself and Dream she whipped out a hairbrush out of her coffin because she wasn't like other girl ad began to sing 'Fight Song'. Her move was effective as it left everyone in awe.

As she wrapped up her mini concert Dream looked at her, "Y/n," he began sweetly. "Your e/c orbs are so beautiful; your h/l h/c hair shimmers in the sunlight, and your u/o outfit is so very stylish..."

And then in a flash he suddenly kissed her passionately. She was in shock, she couldn't believe it was happening. Let alone in front of her ex Thomas "But why me..?" she thought to herself before kissing back passionately.

All the while, no one could have ever anticipated the approach of the dark overlord. He crept out form the shadows, sword in hand. Muttering curses against our protagonists. It was the man himself, Jeffery Bezos.

Suddenly the entire world plunged into darkness, the apocalypse had begun. They tried everything, they set up defences and prayed for survival, but there was nothing they could do. It was all over. It was black Friday... and the Karen's were here...!

Screams echoed through the streets as the Karen army marched on, waving their coupons and discount flyers in the air like banners. The ground shook with each step the Karen's took, their designer heels creating large cracks in the pavement.

They swarmed the market with entitled valour, creating scenes, trashing stores, verbally abusing employees, and summoning managers. It was hell, but they could only wait and hope they would survive.

The screams of children erupted into the air. "Ah yes how relaxing..." John Cena said in a peaceful bliss. Dean gasped as he stood in front of his car, "What the fuc-" He was cut off but his now nagging 'best friend '.

The kids were screaming as Thomas in  jealous rage had mercilessly slaughtered them one by one in the streets as people where too focused on the Karen Army. Those who weren't killed had to watch their families die. Thomas had smiled like he never smiled before as the people burned in buildings cried out and begged for mercy...

Sadly, there was no mercy from the wrath of... Thomas the tank engine.

Though funnily enough this was also how he, Thomas the tank engine met his soulmate... Asuna from sword art online... Only for there ship to sink after it being freshly made canon. As the fandom stood there in shock of the anomaly that was before them, Barney the dinosaur entered the mixing pot. 

We could only stare in more shock as Barney the dinosaur caressed Thomas's pale, round face as he stared longingly into his metallic orbs, as if he had waited his entire life to do this... Almost as if he planned it all from the beginning.

"I... I love you.. I always have my dear..."

And suddenly the entirety of the mood shifted as they were magically transported into a hotel with only one bed?! As if in a rush Barney took out his member to get busy. 

But as they were about to get it 'on' the Kool aid man punched through the wall before doing the same to Barney's face. But for some reason he didn't hate it... in fact he quite enjoyed the sensation of a buff jug pounding him with his fist. "STOP!" Thomas said desperately as he was half way through pulling his clothes on...

The Kool aid man and Barney turned to face him, sending him a horrified look as he notice Thomas the tank engine's engine was no longer in view, "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US?! The shouted, "AFTER ALL WE'VE BEEN THROUGH!"

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