Chapter 3: Home...

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Ash POV:

Walking down the pathway I noticed that Riley was following me. This kept me on edge, but I just guessed that he lived this way. I walked a bit faster around a corner to make sure he wasn't following me. But he didn't turn and just kept going straight ahead. I sighed of relief, until I noticed his hair. It was brown and wavy, although it was raining, I couldn't help but think about his beauty. His blue eyes dazzled as it rained when I looked at him, and his smile was just perfect! I realized I was thinking about Jeremy's friend, and the thoughts of him disappeared instantly. Why don't I like Jeremy? Well... In the school there's only 3 homosexuals. There's a lesbian couple and a single gay boy. The lesbians are completely feared as one of them; Lexia, beat up the toughest guy in school. May I mention instantly. They have a lovely time at school now as people respect them unwillingly. On the other hand, the other kid is probably the weakest person ever. His size, his weight and muscle were all small, making him easy to pick on. Who's this boy and why am I mentioning him. Well, that boy is me. I'm a 5'7" dwarf with a whopping 15kg... It would be joking to say I wasn't underweight. 

Whilst thinking over my life, I realized I had made it home. I slipped of my shoes to make minimal noise and snuck into the house. I quickly ran upstairs to my room as silent as possible and trying not to get water on the floor. I could hear my parents' talking downstairs about my sister. They loved her of course, perfect grades, perfect looks, straight, has a boyfriend. They loved her so much that they sent her to a private school just to spoil her more. I mean she wasn't a brat, but she was rude to me. I dragged my bag into a corner and grabbed a towel for my hair. My hair wasn't that hard to dry but it took time for it to puff back out as it was curly, I grabbed some fresh clothes and stared out my window from my bed. The rain was still pouring, and birds were hiding in their trees. Pulling my shirt off, I noticed more scars showing on my frail torso, scars all over my chest and stomach, all still searing with pain. I put on a fresh black t-shirt and changed my pants to some grey shorts. Guess you'd call me emo. I heard my sister get home and got up to lock my door. I grabbed some bandages and took a look at the damage from earlier in the alley. What happened? Well. I was exiting the school when some guys started walking up to me. I recognized them immediately as the people who always bullied me, although excluding two people. There was Millie and Austin. I was scared when I saw them, but I was thankful that Connor or Jeremy wasn't there since they hit the hardest. The moment I saw them I bolted from the school and to the shops. I could hear them right behind me. Until one of them grabbed my back and pulled me into an alley. It was from there that they started throwing bottles at me and laughing. I cried my eyes out until Riley found me. I used the bandage to cover up a wound in my head. I never liked the look of bandages, but they were necessary if I wanted to stay conscious.

Riley POV: 

I couldn't stop thinking of him as I walked home. His sandy blonde hair, his beautiful hazel eyes. Even his pale skin was getting at me now. Wait. Riley, stop you have a girlfriend. He heard a ping on his phone and saw a notification from Instagram. He never used it but had an account just cause Aubrey begged him to. He saw that the notification was actually from her, and he tapped it. Up came a post from her account with a photo of her and Connor at the movie theater, captioned with: "Going to the movies with my bf!"  I was obviously pissed off by this but just ignored it. I'd talk to her tomorrow. I then remembered that I should screenshot it in case she deletes it in defense or something like that. I found myself at home already and unlocked the door. Nobody was usually home at this time but that's fine. I walked upstairs to my room and put my bag on the floor and moved to the bathroom to change. 

I took of my uniform, and just when I had taken off my shirt, I saw someone walking outside. I didn't pay attention as they were just some girl walking. I didn't care who it was but took in their details in case. Sandy blonde hair, perfect frame, wore what looked like a fancy uniform and she held an umbrella. She kind of reminded me off Ash but that stupid. I continued changed and noticed the girl was actually looking at me from the ground. I noticed her hazel eyes and just looked at her in confusion as she resembled Ash surprisingly a lot. 

She gave me a wave and a smile and walked off. Ash was definitely more good-looking than her I'd say. I then realized what I was thinking and shook my head. I ran to my room to see her walking into the Neighbours house. Great... I thought. 

A pretty girl that looks just like the guy I met earlier is my Neighbour, how great is that. I never knew my thoughts could be so sarcastic. I searched on my phone about her uniform to check if she went to school anywhere nearby and found out she went to Darian Mares Private School. Thankfully that school wasn't that close to mine so I would probably never see her except for when she walks home. Glancing back through the window I noticed a very familiar person sitting at a window next door, he was staring at what I could only guess were birds and looked at him for a second. 

Wait... Oh. My. God.

(1045 Words)

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