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Hello! I'm Aspen, the author. I'm in my Mary Goore obsessed era  and I literally couldn't find any fan fics about him except on Ao3 and they're all smut :')

BUT I AM HERE WITH NOT ONLY A MARY GOORE FAN FIC, BUT IT'S A MALE CHARACTER. AND HE'S TRAAANNSS. This book is mostly for me, but- you could change the name and description of the character to make it a reader insert type of thing.

Just a little warning, idk much about the rest of the band, so they're probably not gonna be mentioned that much. Mary also won't be very in character, but I'll try my very best to follow the hc's and stuff like that.

I'm a really shit writer, I used to be great because I used to roleplay a bunch, but stopped earlier this year AND COMPLETELY FORGOT HOW TO WRITE. So this'll also be practice for me. This fic will most probably be abandoned- but whatever! I'M ALSO PLANNING ON GOING A LITTLE GHOST BC/MARY GOORE ONE SHOT BOOK.

Just another warning, this book includes a lot of heavy topics, substances and stuff like that. Don't even think about trying anything that goes on in this fan fic.

Here are some playlists to listen to while reading ^^

Anyways, hope you enjoy!

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