Yuma x Kirumi x Desuhiko// Bingo Night

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"YO YUMA!"called out a familiar called out of the submarine. Sketches will be provided by 10/21/23 :)

Yuma looked up and called back "AH OK ONE MINUTE DESUHIKO!" Yuma quickly rushed to the stairs sitting on a step while slipping his boots on. In about a minute you could hear soft clanking and then the hatch open. "Im sorry I took so long!" Yuma whispered shouted.

"No worries my man, look I brought you girl with me!" Desuhiko winked at Yuma but Yuma just blushed and addressed Kirumi directly.

"So, you decide to come too Kirumi?" Yuma rubbed the back of his head.

"Of course I did, to be honest today has been unfathomable in Kamasaki district without any friends." Kirumi put her hands on her knees and lowered her head towards Yuma.She lifted her head back up and spoke once more. "I was supposed to hang out with Karen today but she flaked on me so hard! How rude is that!"

Shimigani whispered in Yuma's ear after giving Yuma the silent treatment for looking at Yakou's magazine collection including some interesting volumes. So what if Yuma saw what's inside a women's shirt for a millisecond before he put the magazine down, was it a good reason for Shimigani to be so fractious? Yes. Yes it is Yuma, you were snooping through Yakou's stuff of course it's your fault for seeing that. What Shimigani had whispered was surprisingly kind?!?(😧) towards Kirumi. "Geez getting flaked on sucks, when if you're as ugly as her it still sucks!" Shimigani crossed her arms and rolled her beady black eyes.

Yuma turned back to his two friends the red on his face still lingering. "So did either one of you have a plan for us today?" Desuhiko graves Yuma's hand after speaking, then grabbed Kirumi's , a blush forming on his face.

"Yeah, course I did my man. What we gonna do is go play bingo! Well first we gotta disguise ourselves as oldies!"

"Huh? But why are we going to play bingo? The disguises are a weird idea but I'm guessing it will help us fit in?" Kirumi spoke.

"Correct! The reason why we are gonna play bingo is we are going to spy on Yakou!" He jumped but was held down by both Yuma and Kirumi's hands. "Welp let's change!" And with that Desuhiko draged the two mature ones in the bag. A few bounces and Yuma fell out. He was dressed in a trench coat, had a mustache and was about 6,2. Yuma looked down shocked at his height. He kind of hated it, it sure was an adjustment. The. Came out Kirumi in vintage women clothes, glasses and a grey hair ties neatly in a bun. She looked like a kind old lady.

Then Desuhiko came out narrating his whole entrance, "Then the star of the show comes out, a true hot sexy god in this world, come on guys give a round of applause for..." Then he jumped out. "DESUHIKO THUNDERBOLT✧⚡!!!!" He was so excited for looking like an average old man. He had brunette hair, glasses and some smart guy looking clothes on. He looked like a guy Yakou would have dated in highschool.

"GEEZ! He looks more pathetic than before! What a loser!" The purple puffball spoke next to Yuma. "ANYWAYS,when does the spying happen!" Shimigani rolled her eyes one more.

Yuma spoke directly to shimigani mentally, "Ugh soon Shimigani! Just a few more minutes. Please be patient!" Yuma turned to face the other two until.. Desuhiko one more graves both the hands of the informant and the rookie detective and dragged them as he ran to the Art Measuem in Ginma District.

"And this is where it is, follow my lead you two!" Desuhiko let go of their hands and put his hands on his hips after dramatically opening the double doors . "Hey good sir, 3 tickets to bingo! We've got some lucky souls here" he winks at the edge teenage looking guy...or girl or.. well whoever was working... WAIT HALARA?

"Sir I don't care just take a seat, In here to stop peacekeepers from abusing authority and stealing money." Hara spoke. And with that the three of them walked past.

The bingo area was just foldable chair and tables set up in rows, 6 seats per table. One of the first tables near the front held their target. YAKOU FURIO.

"OH OH AND 2 AND AN UM NUMBER O ON TOP OF O!" and on stage reading numbers... FUBUKI? CLOCKFORED?

Halara ran up and said, "she means 28, I 28"

"Yes! Yes good job halara!" Halara walked off of stage. Fubuki rolled the bolillero. "A LINE LINE AND 2!" Halara dashes on stage again, this time with a chair.

"O 72" Halara yawns.

"BINGO!! BINGO!!! I WIN, SUCK IT FURIO!" Dr Huesca screams spitting in Yakou's face.


Dr. Huesca checked his fly before bouncing out of his seat rushing towards Fubuki who held money out for him to take before sprinting out the double doors screaming "I'M NOT GAY."

Murgalaw looked at Yakou with pleading eyes begging him not to get up and commit chase but he failed. Zange put his hand on Murgalaw's shoulder. He looked over at Zange. He took a deep breath and started to go in a tirade about how terrible Yakou gets when he loses and how this is Yakou's 17th attempt to kill Dr.Huesca. Wether over Chess or Bingo Huesca always won. This betting cost Yakou a lot of money, stressing him out even more.

"Well, we now know what Yakou does in his free time." Desuhiko says scratching the back of his head.

"Wow Mr. Yuma's dad is more aggressive than I thought!" Kirumi spoke staring at Yuma. Yuma turns his head left and blushes at her gaze.

"You guys wanna play a few rounds? We don't need that old geezer here to have fun!"

"Absolutely!" Kirumi says , looking at Desuhiko grabbing his hand then suddenly Yuma's and boom their hands rise to the sky in a 'lets do it's way.

They spend the rest of the evening dressed as old playing Bingo , laughing and annoying Halara. Secretly praying Yakou doesn't actually kill Dr Huesca.

The End....(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

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