7 - Anticipation

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Anais shot upwards in her bunk out of shock when hearing the sudden yelling from next to her and her siblings' room. She recognized it as her mother's voice and immediate concern got struck into her. She climbed down the ladder and noticed Gumball was still sound asleep, but Darwin wasn't getting any rest like her either by the screams. He climbed out of his fishbowl and approached his adoptive sister, who stood with her ear up the door to listen. "What's going on?" he whispered once he stood right next to the little pink bunny. She slightly turned her head to look him in the eye and sighed. "I'm not sure," she whispered back, "I think Mom's in trouble..."
"I could tell from the yelling," Darwin responded, "but what has her screaming like that though?" Anais shrugged and walked back towards the bunkbed. "I'm too tired to put my detective skills to work," she said while suppressing a yawn and leaned against the wooden ladder. "I might have a suspicion though, but that's up to future-me to figure out further tomorrow," she added and Darwin nodded, who actually yawned after. The two stared at each other in silence for a moment, then they both returned to their bed and bowl before closing their eyes. Darwin didn't worry as much as one might've expected, but that doesn't mean his worries were entirely absent. He was simply able to sleep through them just now. Anais was a different story. She only just closed her eyes or got awakened by another sound. The clattering of soap bottles in the bathroom this time. She hugged her Daisy plushie tightly and frowned while doing another attempt at falling asleep...

The next day, Nicole found herself restless at her desk during her shift. The events from the night before surely had an impact on her  and she tried her best to take the time to process it. But she couldn't deny how traumatizing this was. She shook her head to awaken from her thoughts and stared at her computer screen in silence, squinting a bit due to being tired. She could barely get any work done and felt oddly... hungry for this time of day. She stood up and decided to go grab another cup of coffee to try to wash the empty sensation in her stomach down. On her way back to her desk, the silhouettes of some of her coworkers caught her attention. Most of the people working here were herbivores and she thought she was slowly going crazy once predatory urges began welling up. She had a proper lunch, so it all became very confusing to her why she was feeling this way. She took a few sips from her coffee and attempted to focus on her screen again. She kept it up for a few minutes until she felt her hunger pangs increasing to an uncontrollable point. She clutched her stomach and groaned in unease until one of her coworkers walked past and gave her a weird look. Nicole smiled awkwardly and pretended like nothing was going on as she leaned closer to her desk. What is going on...? she thought to herself... She grabbed her phone and texted Richard, telling him about the odd way she was feeling. He replied with a simple statement that she was probably horny, but she wasn't all too sure. The blue feline asked if the bunny was being serious, but he claimed to have simply stated what could be the case. She typed back that she agreed, the more she thought about it and it could even get a little giggle out of her. The following messages they sent each other devolved into pure flirting and teasing, them managing to keep it up until Nicole realized she had been on her phone for a little too long. She sent one final text, saying that she'll see him later and continued with her work. At least she tried to...

After a shift that felt like ages, Nicole eventually arrived back home and crashed down on the bed in her and Richard's room. She felt tired, but oddly energized at the same time. All those sultry messages from her husband sure had an effect on her and she couldn't deny it any longer. He was right. She felt pent up energy... She felt... heated. She slowly blinked a few times and groaned in unease, grabbing her phone from the nightstand and to check it. The feline's ears then suddenly perched up by the sound of the back door closing. Her husband had been in the backyard. The closer he got to their room, the more Nicole's nose could pick up his scent. His smell was hypnotizing to her. His cologne was sweet and mixed perfectly with his natural odor. He was a man that cared a lot about his appearance, especially his fur, and always had various routines to keep on track. Nicole's heart pounded in her chest as soon as she saw him in the doorstep. She remained frozen, lying on her back above the sheets and staring at him with her expanded pupils. "Oh, hey dear," Richard spoke with his tender voice, his eyes meeting hers. "H-hey..." she stammered as a lump formed in her throat and she breathed heavily. "How was work?" the pink bunny asked as he sat down next to his wife on the bed, starting to stroke her fur. She swallowed some saliva away and opened her mouth to speak. "It was alright, nothing special happened though..." she said. He felt how warm she currently was and could either conclude she was sick or something else was going on. He thought about the latter and started blushing by this. She noticed his reddened cheeks and blushed as well, chuckling as she spoke up again; "y-you're feeling it too, aren't you?" Richard nodded in shame but soon recovered from that when she pulled in to kiss him on the cheek. He then gently put his paws on her shoulders and leaned in to kiss her as well, on the lips this time. They swapped saliva and Nicole moaned under her breath as she slowly dug her unsheathing claws into Richard's back, through his shirt. His shoulders twitched for a second as he felt the sudden stabbing from her claws, but he relaxed them seconds after once he got used to the sensation. A wave of rushing feelings flooded them and they both had their eyes closed as they made out.

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