⌜Chapter II⌟

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a/n: tehe, enjoy (⁠'⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠'⁠)
it's a little short but ut felt right to end it there


Sasuke, as he might as well get used to the fact that Sasuke is his name now, was just given a small notebook and what he believes is a fountain pen. It was tricky to get used to writing without getting puddles of ink everywhere, it's still not perfect, but he had written what he wanted down. In English, which he believes the people here won't be able to read. Maybe... but hopefully not.

'I used to live in the USA, I don't remember which state but I remember a lot of water and I know I lived near a city. I lived with my parents and was getting ready for college. I was just getting going with my life there. I got a job and was opening up about my mental health. I don't remember my age or gender. I don't remember my parents or siblings' faces. I know I liked to read, write, and draw. I know I watched youtube a lot.

Music was important to me, and so was cooking. I don't think I did either nearly as much as I wanted to.

I don't remember my old name but my new one is Sasuke. I'm in a very young body. Seven, and I don't know my birthday. I don't know a lot of things right now.'

He read over it again. It was a jumbled mess, but it cleared his mind a little. He wasn't gonna go home anytime soon. He was never gonna go home. He wasn't upset about it as he should be, he didn't remember what or where or who home was, perhaps vaguely he remembered a family and friends, but he remembers concepts more then details. Like how hospitals were usually cleaner, a little colorful sometimes or white others, or how hospitals were usually always filled with the beeping of machines. This hospital had none of that, the walls were yellow and the bed thin, mostly though, it was silent.

He had a new home now, the one that was just ripped from him as soon as he woke up. The one his new mind and body loved dearly. His mom and dad. Their faces were clear as day, just the two of them. His mom was beautiful, he hoped he looked like her, glassy skin paired with piercing eyes. His father looked... so tired(a/n: a dilf... im sorry.), only through the lens of his past life did he know his father was a very stressed man. 

He knew there was a third. A sibling? He assumed the sibling was also dead, killed by the red-eyed man. 

His forehead hurt thinking about it, a dull ache between his brows, like he was missing something. He gently touched the spot with two fingers.

He wrote down another quick note: 'Watch out for men with red-eyes. They sacrificed y̶o̶u̶r̶ Sasuke's family... probably. Also find out why Sasuke's family died. VERY IMPORTANT'

Just as he finished scrawling the words down, a knock rang through the hospital room. He slammed the notebook shut, cringing at the high probability that the wet ink was now blotched. He desperately wished for a pencil or an actual ball point pen. 

A nurse walked in and stood at the foot of his bed. He met her eyes briefly before she started to talk and then switched his attention to her mouth, "You are free to go whenever you please, usually we would have to have a guardian sign your papers but the fire shadow* has said that you can legally sign your own papers for now. Are you able to do that?"

What in the world is "the fire shadow?"


His translator is broken. Maybe "the fire shadow" was the name of a god or some poor office worker that just didn't translate correctly.

Because he is certain that even in a world of dark magic red eyed people and weirdly dressed magic psychologics, shadows arn't flammable. Or maybe they are.

Also, how the fuck do you write in japanese?

Could he just draw a line and call that his signature? People did that right? Was that acceptable here?

He should say no, maybe read the documents, if he could, and find his name there. Or convince someone to write his name down, or, or something. He shook his head and shrugged.

"Oh! Right, I forgot the Uchiha usually use a stamp or, what do you call it, an inkan*, right? I suppose it makes sense you guys adopted the more civilian way, with all your police reports... I'll ask someone to retrieve it for you." She quickly completed a small bow and walked briskly out the door, paperwork in hand.

What the hell is an inkan? A stamp?

Sasuke slumped in his hospital bed, thank god for whatever traditions his new late family used. A stamp is very convenient for him.

He was also happy to learn a little more about them. The police force, interesting, wonders how fast they'll find his family's killer. If his mom or dad was in the police force they must be working double time to find the murder. That calmed his beating heart a bit, he might not really be the real Sasuke but he wanted the best for current him, and by proxy that would be himself.

Best not to think too hard about it.



*"Fire shadow" is the direct translation of hokage

*Inkan or hanko is a steal used in lieu of a written signature in Japan. I figured most Shanobi would prefer a hand signature but perhaps a few clans would use it occasionally for more civilian paperwork, such as police files (on civilan cases only).

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