💢 | Chapter Five: Traumatized

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RE: DUSK COUNTY, Chapter Five: Traumatized.

 "...and then, we're all guessin' that she must've slipped her bare ass on his blood-"

Well, I'm back at the police station. Craziness galore with this man. Anywho, My husband and I got calmed down last night, thankfully. I am currently speaking to Officer Kay. He has a heavy Southern accent. Nothing like I have ever seen in Dusk County or Jasper County. Or any place I've lived in. I'm wondering where he is from. Another town? Maybe another continent? Never have I ever seen anything like it.

Chief Dustin clears his throat. He is outside the door.

"Ahem. I can hear that! OFFICER KAY! Watch your language!" Chief Dustin yells.

He takes another breath.

"You know I don't prefer to yell, but if you are going to have that language, then it's only fair," The Chief of Police yelps.

Officer Kay was trying to lighten up the mood. Nothing too wrong about that. People around here would describe him as bold. My husband always tells me I'm too courageous for my good. What does that even mean? I'm not that crazy! Or am I? Eh, probably. I just know when to keep my damn mouth shut. Let's be glad I didn't say that aloud. Chief would yelp until he physically couldn't.

"Alright. Fine, Dustin. I'll stop swearin'." Officer Kay claps back.

"Now, you two. We need to get back on topic. I've already tried to get more information. All I get are distractions. Before you think I'm rude, don't make assumptions. I have already had my husband sob into me, and then I get this! What I want is to get to the bottom of this. Is that too much to ask for?" I say out of frustration.

"No, Detective Robin. It isn't. I understand your vexation. Officer Kay, focus and tell her all you have about it. She's at least trying to figure this out. While you are dropping obscene language!" Chief Dustin snaps.

Work was rough. I finally got more information, so I should be able to investigate better now. Maybe I spoke too soon. Squeaks escape from my mouth. My face starts to change expression as I use my hand to cover it.

"Don't let it out, don't you dare." That voice in my mind screams. 

I take a heavy breath, hoping I won't start sniffing. I'm alone, yet can I cry? No, you're a detective. You have to stay calm for the department. The tears are watering. My head tilts back to conceal the pain.

"Just hold on a few hours. You can do it." I tell myself. 

This damn nose of mine starts running, and the realization that I'm not perfect settles in. The subtle outbreaks of my breath crack audibly. My voice begins to get higher. "Don't speak." That voice demands me. Why me? Why am I crying? Am I in the wrong? I snoop my head onto the desk, hiding. I've tried everything, but nothing works. I'm trying too hard, aren't I? All I hear "You're a try-hard!" "Why are you a detective? You're a woman!" As if I can't do the exact work my husband does. The mask is slipping off. Shit, shit, and shit some more. I'm screwed if anybody walks in. Maybe I care too much. Do I? Damn it. I don't care that I'm swearing. Fuck off. I cover my mouth as my crying starts getting louder. Oh no. I cannot live like this. No. My ears swivel as I hear footsteps down the hallway. Uh?

"Robin?" Detective Sparks asks, standing in the hallway. 

Well, crap.

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