Episode 4: What Are We?

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August 23, 2022

Another month flew by without any hiccups. There had been another murder, but this time it was an up-and-coming group member. Taehyung had called Yuri to fill him in on what had happened. The station was in a frenzy trying to figure out who was behind the murders. Yuri stood still as he waited for Hoshi to finish practice. His schedule was busier than ever with photoshoots, dance practice, and meetings left and right. Regardless, as Seventeen's bodyguard, Yuri was there whenever they called. He'd gotten more comfortable with all the members and enjoyed talking to all of them, though DK and Jun made him laugh whenever they teased the other members. Dino was always doing something to make him shake his head and Vernon seemed to be the only one that didn't talk much, but Minghao had given him the insight on him. Yuri would initiate any conversations with Vernon and make him feel included. Things with the group were going great, and yet he and Hoshi had hit a rough patch in whatever they were calling their relationship.

Hoshi's anger whenever he couldn't get something right be it practice, singing, or Yuri's life outside of them showed and they'd already gotten into an argument. Yuri had decided to push it to the back of his mind because of the progress they'd made in their journey. Hoshi had officially asked him out and he'd agreed to be his boyfriend. As he stepped into the practice room, they'd just taken a break and everyone was leaving to go get either water or a snack. Yuri moved over to Hoshi who was busy watching a playback video.

"Hoshi," he said, but Hoshi ignored him. Yuri sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. "Hoshi."

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" Hoshi snapped, turning to look at him.

Yuri's eyes told Hoshi he'd messed up. Yuri's lips tightened to prevent him from saying anything, and he backed away before turning to leave. Hoshi realized what he'd done and cursed under his breath before rushing after Yuri.

"Wait wait, baby wait," Hoshi said, grabbing Yuri's arm. Yuri spun around and snatched his arm away. "Don't do this. Please, I'm sorry."

"Hoshi, this is the second time you've yelled at me. I told you upfront I don't do aggression."

"I know, I'm really sorry, I've just been under a lot of stress. There's so much to get done," he said. Yuri sighed and reached out to move a strand of hair from Hoshi's face. Hoshi took the moment to embrace Yuri. "I love you, and I don't want to lose you. Don't give up on me. I'm sorry."

Yuri cuddled into the hug and ran his hand through Hoshi's hair. It felt good to hug his boyfriend. To smell his scent again. They hadn't had a chance to do anything since the hotel escapade, and their schedules were getting busy. He had free time in a month or two, but even though they saw each other regularly, there was no time for anything other than a passing conversation. Hoshi held him, not wanting to let go. Yuri kissed the side of Hoshi's face and pulled away enough to look in his eyes.

"This is your dream. You're living it. I'll always support you, just talk to me when you're feeling angry or upset or whatever the case may be. Okay?"

Hoshi nodded and unwrapped his arms from Yuri. He had a soft smile on his face as he watched Yuri's hand interlock with his own.

"I have a few more things to take care of, but I'm free tonight. Do you want to do anything?" Hoshi asked, trying to make Yuri comfortable.

"Get through your schedule and we can talk about it later," Yuri said, kissing Hoshi on his lips. Hoshi nodded and returned back to what he was doing. By now the other members had returned from the break and began practice again. Yuri had decided to watch and moved out of the mirror to watch them. As he watched, he couldn't help but be awestruck at how amazing they moved together and individually.

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