The start of a story

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Heather was walking to her house, her usual day in highschool was not the best.Especially because of regular old-perfect-handsome-lejandro and his charming looks and his soothing seductive voice.. Don't forget about his perfect physique that can truly catch a woman's eye. Ever since one day specifically a year ago the first time she met him, the day when they became rivals. They were usually academic rivals in school competitions, Alejandro was in most of heather's classes as well. She was jealous of Alejandro, but she managed to look nonchalant while doing it. Alejandro used to flirt with Heather to bring her guard down during competitions, sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't.

A year later, Heather recently just turned 18, she was now a senior. Heather was extremely annoyed since Alejandro was STILL in the same classes as her. She murmured to herself how "incompetent" he was and how he was a "smartass" . She wondered how Alejandro

Is always in the same classes as her.

Heather unlocked the door to her apartment that her parents got for her and entered it to see Bruiser, her cat. Bruiser was laying down on the couch and meowed when he saw heather. He walked towards her as heather pet the white cat the white cat purred.

Heather walked to her bedroom, she was thinking about Alejandro. She was annoyed by the fact of how charming he was. She proceeded to rant to Bruiser.

" Ugh! That- That perfect jerk! There was no reason for him to y'know..! Flirt with every girl in class! Besides, he's not even smart. He's probably as dumb as a boulder– well, he's really not.. But he has to stop being such a smarta-"

Heather was interrupted by a knock on her apartment door. Heather opened the door and saw that it was her neighbour telling her to keep it down. Heather was rightfully embarrassed and nonchalantly apologised putting on a poker face. Heather really didn't care but only did it so she could avoid getting in trouble.

Heather went off with her day, she went to get her pink fuzzy journal that was on the bedside table and under her pastel yellow lamp with a matching pastel pink stand. She got one of her glittery gel pens from the table drawer and started to write down her day today.


" Dear Diary,

Alejandro is such a jerk! Why is he even in the same class as I am? All he does is flirt with other students and steal my recitation points. Don't forget the way he tries to get on our teacher's nice side and always acts like a teacher's pet. He's like such a nerd! The way he became so popular on the first day is just... ugh! He's so annoying. He doesn't even deserve it!"

This wasn't Heather's first time writing about Alejandro in her Diary. This was actually the 50th time. Whenever she wrote in her diary back then, she used to write it at their lunch break, she hung out with her friends. Courtney, Cody, Sierra, and Duncan. Usually Bridgette and Geoff were there but at that time they had an extremely bad breakup after Alejandro did some moves on Bridgette. When she wrote Courtney took notice of how frequently Heather wrote Alejandro's name.

Flashbaaackkk.... :33

"Hey, Heather! Are you seriously writing in Alejandro's name, again?" Courtney whispered in Heather's ear. Heather quickly shut her diary and looked at Courtney with an offended look on her face.

"H-huh? What?! Courtney, are you cracked? Why would I write about him!"

Heather rolled her eyes in disbelief while Courtney sighed and just looked at Heather with a smirk on her face.

".. You like him, don't you? " Courtney said as she raised one of her eyebrows. Heather's eyes widened and was completely offended. "Ha! Me liking Alejandro? As if! I'd rather date a cow than date him!" Courtney was sceptical since she never mentioned anything about 'dating alejandro'

-end of flashback-

Heather was done with writing in her journal and put it back on the table. Heather no longer brings her journal to school due to her past where she read Gwen's Diary in front of her classroom. She was quite afraid that someone might do the same thing as karma. Heather went to the bathroom and put on her skin care carefully and gently. She wore her classic pastel yellow t-shirt and pink shorts and slid on her cute fuzzy bunny slippers and went to the living room to watch a movie since it was friday.

Heather sat down on the couch and opened the TV. She had Bruiser sitting next to her, she was scrolling through netflix until her phone buzzed, she rolled her eyes and thought to herself 'Ugh, now who's disturbing my rest?' She opened the notification and it was Courtney. Courtney sent Heather a message inviting her to a party tomorrow to celebrate Courtney's birthday, Courtney also mentioned that everyone in their class was invited and so are Courtney's friends.

Courtney: *Hey Heather! Do you wanna go to a party tomorrow? It's gonna be held at my house :DD*

Heather was trying to think of an excuse to not go to the party but then remembered that it was gonna be boring doing nothing in her apartment. Besides, she also already bought a birthday gift for Courtney, this would be the greatest opportunity to finally give it to her.

Heather: Sure, what time?

Courtney: It'll start at 10 am! Don't forget to bring a swimsuit

Heather: What? Is this seriously gonna be a pool party?

Courtney: Obviously!

Heather: Whatever! I'll still go

Courtney: Good! 😄

Heather turned her phone off and continued to watch the movie. Eventually a few hours later, She got bored and turned off the tv. She put Bruiser down on the floor and went to tie her hair up into a ponytail as she was walking to her bedroom. Heather took off her fuzzy slippers and tucked herself in. Heather already shut all of the lights in her apartment all she needed to do was close her lamp.

Bruiser jumped on top of Heather's bed and meowed goodnight. Heather petted the white cat and said "Goodnight Bruiser." with a smile on her face. She pulled onto the pull cord so it shut the lamp. She slowly went to sleep peacefully.

*Alejandro's POV*

Alejandro was chilling in his apartment and got a message from Courtney.

Courtney: Hey Alejandro! I know we don't talk a lot but would you be interested in a pool party in celebration of my birthday? It's tomorrow

Alejandro immediately replied.

Alejandro: Oh? Why so sudden? But anyways, I'm not doing anything for tomorrow so I'll guess I'll come.
Courtney: Great! See you there, Here's my address ; 420 saygex Street ### ##### ### be there at 10!

Alejandro chuckled to himself since he thought that he might see Heather there, his rival. He wanted to look the best in the party like an attention seeking toddler. He went to his closet and prepared his swimsuit for the party. He didn't forget to put his sunglasses in the bag he's bringing. Alejandro put his bag on his soft velvet coloured couch. He proceeded to go to his king sized bed and laid down. He clapped his hands and the lights turned off immediately. He went into a deep slumber. 

A/N ;; i made some changes since i forgot schools in canada is different from my country BYE :skull: plz be nice this is my first time writing crying laughingemoji

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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